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Campus Events « Expect the Exceptional

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The Vagina Monologues


McDaniel has a lot of really neat events for the students, such as hypnotists, magicians, and singers. Students and professors also put on a lot of really neat events, including chorus and musical concerts, plays, musicals, and talent shows. Last Friday, they put on The Vagina Monologues, a play written by Eve Ensler. […]

The best of my 2013 on the Hill

It’s not uncommon for students at any college to have their ups and downs every semester, and I’m no exception to this idea. But now that the year is coming to an end, I’m choosing, as always, to reflect on what was awesome about this year, including some of the best aspects of my time […]

Honor societies on the Hill

The McDaniel College class of 2013 graduated on Saturday. Though I wasn’t on the Hill to see the ceremony, I did see plenty of pictures of my friends donning their caps and gowns and lots of cords. Seeing all those cords reminded me of how there are plenty of honor societies McDaniel students can join […]

Tradition on the Hill

The end of every school year is filled with tradition. Each club or organization has their way of sending off the seniors and transferring power to the juniors. In my sorority at our last meeting, we do “pass downs.” This is a time when all the seniors come with as much Gamma Sig stuff as […]

Last two weeks in the Spanish house

As the year comes to an end, so does my time in McDaniel’s Spanish house. For the past few days, my housemates and I have been celebrating the awesome year that we’ve shared together. On Friday we had a picnic with a few of the professors in the department and tonight was a surprise going […]