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Campus Events « Expect the Exceptional

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Visit Home

So, I am rather disappointed to have missed Spring Fling this weekend because of a family emergency. My mother had an issue with a Kidney Stone and had to have emergency surgery, so I went home to help out around the house. I took Phil and Alyssa to my house with me to help out […]

Farmers Market

Red Square is the center of campus and the perfect location for McDaniel’s new tradition of hosting a Farmers Market! Since this event was such a success last semester there was no question that it had to be done again this semester.

Local businesses set up tents and sell their goods to students trekking across […]

The Presidents Club: Inside the World’s Most Exclusive Fraternity

Tonight, I had the really wonderful opportunity to listen to a book discussion about a book called The Presidents Club: Inside the World’s Most Exclusive Fraternity by TIME magazine editors Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy.

It was really neat to have two high-profile magazine editors come to McDaniel to give a book talk, but what […]

A Very Alpha Sig Night at Bdubs

A while back I blogged about a philanthropy event that I organized for my fraternity at a local gaming place, Players. It was a huge success. Well tonight the Alpha Sigs hosted another fundraiser at my direction, a fundraising night at Bdubs (Buffalo Wild Wings) to help raise money for Relay for Life.

English major events galore!

The English department is busy this month, so it’s an exciting time to be an English major!

On Thursday, this year’s issue of McDaniel’s literary magazine, Contrast, was finally unveiled! Despite the fact that the magazine did not show up (the printer did not deliver the shipment in 48 hours as promised), the event was […]