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Campus Events « Expect the Exceptional

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Around the World in 80 Plates

Traveling around the world in 80 days might be a challenge impossible to complete as a college student, but traveling the world in “80” plates did plenty justice. Tonight, in Red Square (the center of campus), students socialized and tasted delightful desserts from all over the world. It could not have been a more perfect […]

Getting to Know New Students

Working for Admissions can be very demanding at this point in the year. Our Admitted Students Days (ASD) are the best ways for admitted students to get a feel for campus. Luckily, I get to be a part of it all. Working as a tour guide gives me the opportunity to meet a huge group […]

First Year Appreciation Week and Allies Week

So, this week is both first year appreciation week and allies week this week. For first year appreciation, they are doing a bunch of different events and also posted a bunch of different signs around campus. Today’s event was the Amazing Race. They had the option to win a bunch of prizes and just had […]


This past Monday there was a screening of “Nefarious,” a film on human trafficking, and particularly, sex trafficking and the global sex industry. It’s a heavy subject, but one that needs to be addressed and that everyone should be concerned with. I was impressed by the turnout at the screening, we probably had more than […]

Poet Lia Purpura

On Tuesday night, I had the opportunity to listen to poet and essayist Lia Purpura read some of her work at tonight’s Bothe Lecture on campus. The Bothe Lecture, named for alumnus Christopher Bothe, is an annual lecture sponsored by the English department and the Bothe family in which poets and writers come to read […]