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Campus Events « Expect the Exceptional

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Music for Micro

Tonight I helped put on an event called “Music for Micro,” a combo coffee-house and acoustic/open-mic night!

From 7-10pm in the middle of Ensor Lounge, inside Decker College Center (essentially the middle of campus) we had quite a different set up from the normal couches and chairs for students to meet and hang out. Instead, […]

McDaniel Helping Heroes Helping Hopkins

Last night an organization on campus called Heroes Helping Hopkins hosted a night at Buffalo Wild Wings, Bdubs, to raise money for their cause. The Heroes organizes volunteers to go to the Hopkin’s House, which is a residence next to John’s Hopkin’s Medical Center for parents and families of patients to stay at an remain […]

Free Press event

On Tuesday night the Free Press, our student newspaper, held a recruitment event complete with hot chocolate and s’mores. The goal was to talk to some new people about writing for us and to get ideas for upcoming stories. The event was right before our regular meeting time, so we even gained a few new […]

Get Your Pancakes!

This weekend I helped establish and run the first Alpha Sigma Phi pancake sale we have ever had. Taking the idea from Res Life (Residence Life) and their pancake sale last semester, we thought that it might be a good way to make some money as well as get our name out in terms of […]

100 Days

Friday was not just a regular day. It was also 100 days until graduation!!!!!!

With posters displayed on every door congratulating us throughout campus, and letters wishing us well in our mailboxes, the seniors were on top of the world this Friday. The Alumni Office helped us celebrate with free cupcakes and sunglasses, and a […]