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Campus Events « Expect the Exceptional

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Keeping the Fun Alive

Things tend to get hectic in the days leading up to Thanksgiving through the rest of the semester. In fact, you could say that Thanksgiving is like the eye of a storm–a calm in the middle surrounded by chaos.

Despite the fact that the end of the semester is typically a stressful time (as I’m […]

Pie the Prez

Dr. Casey is one of my absolute favorite features of this school. He runs with the best of us. Rain or shine, he is always down on the field with us for football games and he is always walking around campus talking to students. Earlier in the semester I, with my co-director, went to his […]

Come One, Come All!

Yesterday Admissions hosted an Open House for all prospective students and their families. I love days like this because even though they are long, I get to meet so many people and help them through the difficult process of choosing a college. Open Houses for Ambassadors means a few hours of work and getting to […]

Raffles, Penny Wars, and Pies

Fundraising is a huge thing for clubs and organizations on campus. Everyday you walk by Glar, there’s always at least one group fundraising for this cause or that. This week, both groups I am a member of had fundraisers going on. Gamma Sig did a Penny Wars and pitted the classes against each other to […]

Election Night at McDaniel

Election night has finally arrived! As today has progressed, I’ve sensed the tension of students of both parties grow; no one knows what’s going down tonight, and everyone wants their candidate to win.

My common room has the news on TV tonight, and I’d have to imagine that countless other TVs on campus are turned […]