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Campus Events « Expect the Exceptional

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Homecoming on the Hill

On Saturday I started my morning by sitting at the front desk in the Admissions office talking to perspective students. I later ended my day hanging out in the green room of the theatre with my new friends that are McDaniel Alumni. One of the reasons I love Homecoming is because not only do you […]


The Homecoming experience at McDaniel is pretty systematic: get up and watch parade (or sleep in…), go to football stadium, wander from tent to tent catching up with people and eating, cheer for football team when something exciting happens, etc.

While I did all these things and had a blast, I’d have to say that […]

So I threw a Halloween party last night…

Since Halloween fell on a Wednesday this year, both this weekend and last weekend were eligible for Halloween festivities. Another DMC suite and I volunteered to host a Halloween party in DMC Lounge after the vice president of the Honors Club sent out an email to everyone in the Honors Program wondering if anyone would […]

Halloween Bingo!

I once thought that bingo playing could be lumped into the same realm as knitting, but as a college student with about $22 to my name the idea of winning prizes just for listening to someone call out numbers and marking them on my card is incredibly enticing. Therefore, when I read about last night’s […]

Taste of Latin America: El Caribe

Last night was the 6th Annual Taste of Latin America dinner, hosted by the Hispano Latino Alliance (HLA) here on campus. Many of my housemates are in HLA, so I went to support all the hard work they’ve been doing on decorating, selling tickets, and working on song and dance performances for after the meal.
