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Campus Events « Expect the Exceptional

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Pre-Midterm Fun

I had a really great week and I had a lot of fun throughout it. My classes went really well this week although there was the slightly terrifying moment when I realized that I have midterms next week, but that’s life. Beside which I am not too worried about them because I really enjoy my […]

Sweatshops and Social Justice

Before last night, I never thought about the people who worked overtime hours in factories just to make ends meet as I put on a pair of Nike shorts. I never considered that it would take a factory worker 9 years to make what LeBron James makes in a single day. I never knew that […]

McDaniel Theatre and other good things

The McDaniel theater program is known for putting on quality performances. Generally the performances are dramas but the program puts on one or two musicals a year. This year’s choice was Hairspray, starring my friend Kelsey Gondek as Tracy Turnblad. Of course, I knew other members of the cast and they were all excellent, but […]

Wednesday, Thursday

It’s kind of rainy tonight, which I actually don’t mind since it gives me an excuse to stay in and have some downtime. Tonight, I plan on chilling and (hopefully) completing my grammar homework for tomorrow by a reasonable hour. The Princess Bride is also playing on TV, which is fun, and one of my […]

Family Weekend

This weekend was family weekend. My family did not attend but I noticed people were having a lot of fun. One activity for parents was attending classes on Friday. This is a great opportunity for parents to see what college classes are like.

Another great thing for family weekend were sports games. The football team […]