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Campus Events « Expect the Exceptional

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McDaniel as a Home


My week was relatively standard this week – classes, homework, relaxing with friends. However, there was one unusual event. Thursday was Night of Nets, which is an event that is sponsored by the Advocacy Team. They were raising money for a campaign that is trying to help with the issues that malaria cause. The […]


I went to a very interesting speaker on Nike corporations today. McDaniel has a group that organizes speakers on campus and they brought someone to talk about sweatshop labor. It was an extra credit assignment for class and on top of that I was interested in the issue, so I killed two birds with one […]

Barnabas – Informal Art Class

Tomorrow is McDaniel’s first home football game of the 2012 season!! Woooohoooo!! As Friday classes wind down students are always excited for the weekend, but this weekend is extra special. The football experience here is terrific – we’ve been featured on the Weather Channel and in Southern Living magazine as one of the best tailgating […]

‘Cave of Forgotten Dreams’: A Cultural Experience on Campus

Tonight I had the nice opportunity to go see Cave of Forgotten Dreams, an award-winning documentary by German filmmaker Werner Herzog giving viewers an unprecedented look at the prehistoric cave paintings in Chauvet Cave in southern France.

The documentary is the first of five films to be shown at McDaniel this September as part of […]