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Campus Events « Expect the Exceptional

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Welcoming a new teammate

As you may know, I am a member of the men’s basketball team here at McDaniel. Last week, my teammates and I had the honor of signing a new member to our team.

Our new member is Joshua Hirtle, a nine-year-old from Sykesville, Maryland. Joshua was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and has completed his […]

Musical Evenings

My friend, John Henry and his violin

On Friday, I went to the McDaniel String Ensemble’s concert in Little Baker. It was really cool to see parents, faculty members, and students all gathered together in Little Baker Chapel to engage in a night of beautiful classical music.

One of my friends was in […]

A Hafla for Everyone

One thing I always enjoy doing on the Hill is attending belly dance performances. McDaniel has had a belly dance club since before I came to campus, and over the past few years, they’ve held “haflas” — or “get-togethers” — once a semester so the McDaniel community can watch them perform. This past weekend, I […]

KME Inductions

About two weeks ago, I was inducted into the Mathematics Honor Society, Kappa Mu Epsilon. When I first came to McDaniel, my original goal was to be a Math and Spanish double major. While that did not work out, I still love mathematics, and I have taken enough classes to be in the honors society. […]

Latin America Dinner

Last Thursday, I had the honor of attending the Latin America Dinner, hosted by the Hispano-Latino Alliance (HLA). It is one of a few culture themed dinners hosted by clubs on campus every year, but it is the first one I have been able to attend.

I am so glad I went and will […]