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Kat Dales « Expect the Exceptional

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So, I have been back on campus for a few days since my surgery and I am still shocked and wonderfully surprised by how supportive everyone has been. I am sore a lot of the time and need a lot of rest, but I did manage to go to my classes today, for which I […]

Support of a Family

So, I’ve had a rather interesting week that involved literally no classes or campus events. I returned to campus on Tuesday after being extremely ill on Monday night and having severe abdominal pain throughout both of those days. I assumed I had a stomach flu because another of my friends was also ill. On Tuesday […]

Fall Break Begins

So Midterms are over for me, thank goodness and today is the Saturday of Fall Break. My midterms were not nearly as bad as I worried they would be. I studied for several hours for each of them and I feel like I did well on them all. The Environmental Policy exam I was really […]

Midterm Week Begins

Yesterday was a day with way too much to do and not a lot of time to do it. Mostly it was the homework I neglected on Saturday to relax with my friends, but the day still managed to be pretty fun. I worked on stuff for most of my classes and got all of […]

Pre-Midterm Fun

I had a really great week and I had a lot of fun throughout it. My classes went really well this week although there was the slightly terrifying moment when I realized that I have midterms next week, but that’s life. Beside which I am not too worried about them because I really enjoy my […]