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Kat Dales « Expect the Exceptional

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Weekend Fun and Club Work


So, today is Monday and not a whole lot has went on since Saturday. However, I did do a few things on Saturday since I wrote my blog. One of the first things was after I got dinner when we returned from the zoo, I went to the anime club movie night. We were […]

Club Life


I run the anime club and I am involved in several other organizations here on campus. I have a lot of fun with them and I think clubs and extracurricular activities are one of the most important parts of being in college because they help you meet people, learn skills, and more. There is […]

McDaniel as a Home


My week was relatively standard this week – classes, homework, relaxing with friends. However, there was one unusual event. Thursday was Night of Nets, which is an event that is sponsored by the Advocacy Team. They were raising money for a campaign that is trying to help with the issues that malaria cause. The […]

Language House


So yesterday was a rather long day. The day after being thrown off a horse is rarely fun but I managed fine. I left to return to campus around 10 in the morning and was back at the campus by 1:30. I spent my afternoon relaxing with Lisa and Phil before watching the Salt […]

Visiting Home


I had a really good day yesterday for the most part. I had a lot of work to get done, but that was solely so I could enjoy visiting my family this weekend and not have to worry about getting homework done. Regardless, I had my gym class in the morning, and then I […]