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Kat Dales « Expect the Exceptional

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Early Spring Snow Day

So, it was really pretty outside today; however, not with the beginnings of Spring as everyone might have expected on our first day back from Spring Break. We got a lovely snowfall throughout the day and the campus was really pretty. I went outside a few different times during the day just to enjoy the […]

Spring Break Comes to an End

So, tomorrow everyone will come back to campus to resume their Spring Semester. My Spring Break was actually a lot of fun even though I also did a lot of working. I spent a lot of time making modifications to my cosplay for next weekend, which is when Nippon Ai’s convention is being held. It […]

Spring Break is Here

So, we are officially on Spring Break although I am already back on campus for work at admissions. We finished a little early today so I had a lot of free time to get a jump on my homework and also to relax with friends. I also got my cosplay in the mail and made […]

Spring Break

So, yesterday began Spring Break and for a lot of people that meant cleaning and packing for a nice, relaxing 10 days at home. I am actually staying on campus for the break because I have some work to do for the Admission’s office, but I am still going to get a lot of time […]

Process of Going Abroad

So, I am hoping to go abroad this summer if finances allow for it. However, there are a lot of steps to going abroad. You have to pick a program, a location, and more. I applied for an SIT Program in Jordan for the summer. I am really looking forward to it and I recently […]