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Kat Dales « Expect the Exceptional

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So, next week is the last week of classes before spring break. There is a lot going on during this week, but the most important and sometimes the scariest part of the week is midterms. There are various different types of midterms that I have gotten at McDaniel over the last 6 semesters. Essays, multiple […]

Return to Normalcy

So, things have returned to normal since the stomach bug that went around last week died down over the weekend. Almost everyone was well enough to be back in classes today and everything is moving forward quickly. Midterms are approaching this week and next before Spring Break occurs next weekend. As a result, everything had […]

Winter Woes

So, one of the worst things about winter is the bugs run rampant and everyone gets sick at some point. These week, a nasty stomach virus went around the campus and a lot of students got sick. However, I was actually really impressed with how the school handled the virus and how quick they were […]

Writing Time!

My biggest task today was finalizing the piece that I have to read for the induction into LIT, the Literature Honor’s Society here at McDaniel College. I wrote a poem for it that is called Nightwish that I really like. The idea actually started from the name I gave a club in the Vampire the […]

Busy busy week

So remember that internship interview a while back, well I finally got follow up on it and it went really well. I got to hear more about the actual job that it entails and it sounds like a lot of fun. I will be working with emergency services in order to design a system in […]