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Kat Dales « Expect the Exceptional

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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

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Presentation Jitters

So, this is the time of the semester when all of your classes are wrapping up there material and many of them will be having student presentations. I have presentations in four of my classes and I know I personally don’t always like talking in front of a group of people. However, I have learned […]

Thanksgiving Break

So, Thanksgiving Break is coming to an end and I will return to campus early tomorrow. I had a really good break and it was great coming home to see my family again. During break, I had a lot of fun with my friends and family. On Thanksgiving, I had a wonderful dinner with my […]

Fall Visit Days

So, I work with admissions and one of my favorite parts of that is meeting some of the prospective students. Today was one of the fall visit days and I had the privilege of working as a Glar floater. What we do is sit down, eat lunch, and just talk to and get to know […]

Time to Unwind

So, it has been a really long week for myself and most of my friends. We have papers and presentations and so many other things we have been working on all week. In my case, that work load included 3 major papers, planning for a presentation, and more. However, even though the week was long […]

Crunch Time

So, as we approach Thanksgiving Break, teachers are starting to get into overdrive, papers are coming due, presentations are occuring, and those of us that procrastinate even a little enter crunch time. This week is that for me. I have a lot of major assignments due this week and an auction and raffle to help […]