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Local Area « Expect the Exceptional

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Frederick Fair

I am in the honors program at McDaniel. If you are in the honors program you have access to honors housing as well as events. The group plans one event per month and this time it was a trip to a fair. The drive was a few minutes away, and all we had to do […]

Monarch Madness

Last weekend, I went to Monarch Madness at Bearbranch Nature Center, ready to volunteer on a beautiful Sunday morning. When I was asked to help out Miss. Mary at the butterfly table, so that I could write down tag numbers, I thought for sure it would be boring, but it turned out to be fantastic. […]

Barnabas – Chocolate and Roller Coasters

On Saturday, for the first time in my life, I went to Hershey Park in Hershey, PA. Thanks to the Office of Student Engagement here at McDaniel, I was able (and 6 of my friends were also able) to go to Hershey Park for a full day for only $15! Friday night we all went […]

Campus Changes

This afternoon I came back to campus from my house. I live in Washington D.C. This year we have started a great process with the school van. On weekends it picks up students from the D.C. metro and drops them off. For this reason I can now go home on the weekends for free.

I […]

Labor Day Weekend

I guess you could say I had the best of both worlds this Labor Day weekend; I spent Friday evening and Saturday on campus while returning home for Sunday and Monday.

After class wrapped up on Friday afternoon, I went to hang out with my friends in Forlines house, where my one of my friends […]