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Hello everybody! I hope everyone is having a great week! I want to fill you in in our main dinning hall, Englar. Otherwise known as glar. Students have several nicknames for glar…my favorite is glarski! I have been eating at glar every since my freshmen year. I have been through the transformation from the old […]

Sunny days on the Hill

Spring is officially on it’s way! The sun was shinning and it was a gorgeous day!:) I was able to go for a run outside and not have a thousand layers on! SCORE! I wore shorts and a t-shirt!!! It was amazing! On my run I saw so many people out and about. A bunch […]

Home Sweet Home

As much as I love McDaniel, I am heading home to Moorestown, New Jersey this weekend! I need to get all my spring/summer clothes for spring break!!! I am so excited!! I think everyone on campus needs a break from homework and school…and this dreaded cold weather. But that’s not until next week. So in […]

McDaniel vs Dickinson

On Friday, February 28 the men’s basketball team had a game at Dickinson College! They were playing for the spot at the finals vs Hopkins. Since it was such an important game, they wanted to make sure their Green Terror fans could be there to support them…so they got a fan bus for us! My […]

Spring Break past adventures

As spring break comes around the corner, I keep thinking about my amazing trip last year to the Dominican Republic. This trip was organized by the school and was technically considered a “Jan-Term”, but we went in March. A group of students who have taken over three courses of ASL were able to travel down […]