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McBloggers « Expect the Exceptional

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My Favorite Tree

I love spring time on the Hill because of all the blossoms and new greenery on campus. They have recently been putting mulch up around campus in preparation for it. I have also seen many different places that have new pieces of shrubbery, but the most important thing is that my favorite tree is […]

Two families merging

A few weeks ago, my family came to visit me here at McDaniel for my little sister’s spring break from California. My mum had seen the campus before, and had once been on an official tour when I was a prospective student, but for my dad and my sister, it was the first time seeing […]

Hip-Hop: The Best Way to Study

College can be a stressful time, and as we get closer to the end of the semester, people are starting to stress out. We are realizing how much work we actually have, and that means we are all struggling to find ways to relax. Some people work out; others chill with friends. I listen […]

Celtic Thunder Adventure

I went home for Easter weekend for one main reason: a concert. I did want to see my family and my dogs, but it was the nearby show starring Celtic Thunder, a six-member singing group with a seven-member band all from Ireland, that really made me want to drive six hours total to spend less […]

Traveling the East Coast

I’ve been looking forward to this spring break since last August, when I left my summer job in Yellowstone. Then, three of my friends and I made vague plans to go to my friend’s grandparents’ beach house in North Carolina in the spring. I was determined to make it happen, and so it did. Additionally, […]