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McBloggers « Expect the Exceptional

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Home Away From Home

Hey guys,

One of the most important things to me at McDaniel is my room. While in Yellowstone, I was barely ever in my dorm room, I spend a lot of time in my room at school, whether it’s sitting at my desk working or hanging out with friends. It’s important to me that my […]

A week in review: My last first week

I have scary news: I’m *gulp* a senior now. So while I certainly had fun this past week, I also found myself thinking way too much about how next year, I won’t have another one of these first weeks of school. But rather than dwell on how sad that is, let’s focus on what was […]

Free Press witnesses an Orientation to remember

I’ve been back on the Hill for nearly two weeks now, and boy have I been busy! I got to move in about a week earlier than most students so I could help the McDaniel Free Press, our student newspaper. We got permission to come back early so we could get a jump start on […]

Three weeks ’til Hogwarts!

I’ve been having a fun and relaxing summer, but now that August is finally here, I can hardly contain myself!–Three weeks from today, I’ll be back in the classroom at McDaniel College, my magical little Hogwarts in Maryland. This also means in less than three weeks, I’ll have moved back in.

There’s still lot I […]

Adjusting to Home

It’s nice that the semester is over. Papers are in, projects are done, and there’s an entire summer open for activities. No more all-nighters, surviving on coffee, or staring absently at a book or screen hoping to understand.

Instead, there’s home, wherever that may be, and for most of us, that means parents and siblings […]