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McBloggers « Expect the Exceptional

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Applying to College

College applications were the hardest time for me in high school. I had my senior portfolio going on, I was trying to deal with the fact that I was going to leave some of the people I love the most, AND I had to write an essay explaining why I deserved to go to the […]

Visiting McDaniel

I still vividly remember visiting McDaniel three-and-a-half years ago. I was sitting in my father’s minivan reading Frankenstein for my senior English class and I was trying to hold in all my nerves. This was the last college tour I would be going on and I was really hoping McDaniel would be the one. Before […]

My Favorite Dorm Snacks

When you’re as active on the Hill as I am, it’s hard not to get hungry between meals. To combat hunger, I always keep plenty of snack on hand. In the past, I’ve devoted an entire plastic under-the-bed tub to snacks and food I can eat in my dorm room. This year, I’m living in […]

This is Me – Lauren Hawkins

Hello everyone! My name is Lauren. I love hoodless sweatshirts, the Sound of Music, the smell of dryer sheets, rainstorm dances, piles of crunchy leaves, laughter, Christmas music, chocolate chip cookies, red shoes, photography, sharks, hugs, and the Freedom Writers Diary.

Now that we have all the important things out of the way – I […]

Summer Nights at The Ballpark

I spent this past summer here at McDaniel. Reason being… I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to work here! But that’s not even the most exciting part about the summer. What was best is I spent this summer visiting so many different places along the east coast. But I just want mention my […]