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Morgan Stanback « Expect the Exceptional

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Talent Show

Tonight (on a date) I went to the service sorority Gamma Sigma Sigma’s Talent Show. My friends came over and helped me get all dressed up. The talent show was super fun!

We have so many talented people at this college. I saw unique dancers, beautiful singers, and a guy played the Native American flutes. […]

The Importance of Creativity

My Sophomore Interdisciplinary Studies course, Genius, Madness, and Creativity, has a huge project coming up which I am mildly stressed out about. However, the best part is that I got to pick my subject matter. My presentation is on a famous Indian mathematician named Ramanujan.

He made lots of awesome […]

Best Saturday Ever

Today I hung out with some of the most awesome people ever! I have forgotten how much I love going to the Spanish house. We have the best intellectual conversations. We talked about politics, shared personal stories, and I was inspired in many ways.

I think sometimes in life it’s easy to become apathetic to […]

The Wonder Dogs

College can sometimes be a bit stressful with all the papers, project, etc. Thus, the constant struggle can be finding a way to relax. As I mentioned earlier, I often go and sing my worries away.

However, one of the best ways to relieve stress is through the K-Pets. K-Pets is a group of therapy […]

The Peep Show

Last weekend, I went to the Carroll Arts Center with some friends to go to the Peep Show. It was my first time going, and it was AMAZING!! They put up art displays of sculptures and pictures made out of the Peeps candies.

Besides the awesome artwork, there are super cute children everywhere! This little […]