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Sam Wilson « Expect the Exceptional

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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Working Out – No Gym Necessary

Hi guys.

So now that I am a “retired” soccer player since my fall senior season is done, I have been figuring out exercising without off-season workout packets. I also know that it is difficult to get a gym membership during Jan term or other breaks. Luckily, I made a great discovery over this break […]

FYS: Freshmen Year Seminar

I saw one of my fellow McBloggers talk about their FYS, so I thought I would share my experience. My FYS was called Rites of Passages. We learned all about the different rites of passages in various cultures. For example, we studied quinceaneras and some African tribes who use tattooing. I really enjoyed the class […]

Sports Support on the Hill (GO BRONCOS!)

In light of my Broncos big win today to head to the Super Bowl, I thought I would talk about seeing the study body support their favorite teams. Being a big sports fan, it is really fun to see all the different teams and sports represented on the Hill. During football season, you can guarantee […]

GTS in Costa Rica

I guess I will continue with the abroad theme and tell you about the soccer trip to Costa Rica! It was an amazing experience. Both the women’s and men’s teams met at the airport early, EARLY in the morning on August 5th, and we flew to Miami and then to San Jose. San Jose is […]

A blog about my blog in Budapest !

Hi everyone!

I was thinking of sharing a couple study abroad stories with you, but then I had a better idea: why don’t I just post the blog I kept that semester on here for you all to read?! So here it is. It is quite lengthy, I must warn you, but it is a […]