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Student Life « Expect the Exceptional

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De-Stressing Before Finals

There are lots of ways to de-stress before and during finals. During this last week of classes, groups around camps planned lots of activities to help students relax.

The most photogenic alpaca ever!

On Wednesday, Active Minds and the Wellness Center hosted an event near Glar that involved therapy dogs, free iced tea […]

McDaniel Foods I’ll Miss

Food at any college isn’t perfect, since it will never be like the food you’re used to eating at home.

However, I’ve come to appreciate food served by Glar and other places on campus over the past four years. Cooking is hard and it takes time, as I quickly learned when I finally had housing […]

Kona Ice on Campus

This past week, the most awesome thing ever happened; we have had a shaved ice truck called Kona Ice in Red Square! It has been the best thing ever for the warmer weather! I had forgotten how much fun shaved ice can be until this past week.

I am currently addicted to the […]


For the past three years now, the Office of Annual Giving has set up pinwheels in Red Square in the last few weeks of April. This year, this happened last Friday. We had 3,763 pinwheels set up all over the square, spinning merrily in the wind.

Each pinwheel represented someone who had made a gift […]

Global Citizen Earth Day 2015

On Saturday, over 300,000 people turned up to the National Mall in Washington, D.C. for Global Citizen’s Earth Day Festival.

I took the pickle into DC on Friday and spent the afternoon exploring Smithsonian museums I hadn’t yet had an opportunity to see. Then, I went to George Washington University and stayed the night with […]