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Study Abroad « Expect the Exceptional

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Belgian Food

Food One of the best things about being in Europe is getting a chance to eat some new, delicious foods. Every day I encounter something different and I almost always love it.

First, I live with Marco, who is from a small town near Rome. And boy can he cook. He always says that cooking […]

Today is for everyone!

When I was studying in Costa Rica last spring, I learned that Valentine’s Day is in many places viewed as a day to celebrate friendships rather than just romantic relationships. Last year, our host dad bought the three of us who were living in the house cute presents, and my Spanish teacher gave us all […]

Mardi Gras, Belgium Style

Tuesday was Mardi Gras, so about 10 international students and I took the train to Binche, a small city near the French border, for Belgium’s most famous Carnivale celebrations. The Binche Carnivale is known for colorful costumes and the throwing of oranges. Binche train station The outside of the train station

We left school at […]


So last semester I wrote a lot about trying to go to Belgium this semester. Well guess what? Endless paperwork, 3 trips to the embassy and 1 trip to to consulate later, I got my visa, and I am currently sitting in my apartment in Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode, a highly Turkish neighborhood in Brussels, Belgium.

I’ve […]

Learning about Glasgow

You can find a lot of study abroad opportunities at McDaniel, and this evening, I had the chance to find out more about one of them.

The Honors Program here at McDaniel is in a partnership with the University of Glasgow in Scotland that allows McDaniel honors students to be automatically accepted to study abroad […]