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Study Abroad « Expect the Exceptional

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A Campus-Wide Day Off

Most people have posted on spring fling, but I wanted to show you a rather unique perspective. You see, despite being a senior on campus, I’ve only been on campus in the spring my freshman year. Sophomore spring I spent in Scotland (it was glorious), and the spring of my junior year I spent in […]

Admitted Students Day

Today was the first of two days for admitted students on campus, and I spent some time talking to prospective students about both our study abroad programs and the English department. After talking to so many people, I found myself repeating a few nuggets of knowledge to pretty much everyone, which I would like to […]

Process of Going Abroad

So, I am hoping to go abroad this summer if finances allow for it. However, there are a lot of steps to going abroad. You have to pick a program, a location, and more. I applied for an SIT Program in Jordan for the summer. I am really looking forward to it and I recently […]


In order to get my visa, I had to get a checkup to make sure I wasn’t choc-full of diseases. When I told my doctor where I was going, he had only one thing to say to me: visit Bruges! And doctors can’t be wrong can they?!

The first canal we came to. It was […]

Brasserie de la Senne – A Brewery in Brussels

Last week the student volunteers at Université Saint Louis organized a trip to a local brewery for us exchange students. We met at the local metro station, rode the subway a few stops, walked for 10 minutes, and arrived at an old warehouse that was recently transformed into la Brasserie de la Senne.

Our tour […]