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Amia, Internships, and Homework, Oh My!

So, I am currently in a conversational Arabic class as part of my major. I am working on a brief dialogue with a partner tonight and it was a lot of fun working on it although it is challenging to switch between the formal language and the spoken language at times. I am enjoying working […]

My January: Real-life Finding Nemo

It was the only way we could describe what we were seeing every day. “The Drop off!!” “The Big Blue!” Surrounded by schools of bright purple and black fish of all shapes and sizes, a day instantly became the best day ever when we spotted a sea turtle. Tropical beaches, palm trees and clear turquoise […]

Super Bowl Sunday

So… what goes on during the Super Bowl? I can tell you this year is different from past years, you can feel people getting excited. I think that is because one of the teams (the Ravens) is so close to our school. That and the fact that they used to practice on our football field […]

Back to School and the Swing of Things

So, the first week back is officially under everyone’s belts and personally I am looking forward to the new semester very much. My classes all seemed wonderful, and I have no classes on Friday’s again, which is a nice perk. I am definitely going to have a lot of reading to do between my various […]

Native American Art

This semester I am taking my first ever art class to fulfill one of my McDaniel Plan requirements.

I did such a great job avoiding them, as art isn’t exactly my forte, for three and a half years. For my creative expression requirement, while other people were taking ceramics, drawing, or jewelry making, I took […]