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Honors Benefits

Senior spring has started the Honors Colloquium, meaning that I get to reconnect with the people I once lived with as a Freshman. It is pretty exciting to close out my time at McDaniel here with them, and got me thinking about all of the honors perks. Here are a few I can think of.


The Boy Scouts

I spent a lot of time over Jan Term doing my on campus job, life guarding. This has been a great opportunity for me to swim, which I enjoy. This year I decided to take on a new initiative and signed up for weekend life guarding with boy scouts. I usually don’t sign up for […]

The start of a new semester!

While everyone else headed back to McDaniel to start a new semester, I was thrilled to see everyone back on campus! Jan Term was definitely fun, especially while I was getting into the swing of Student Teaching, but it was a lot of fun to have everyone move back into my apartment. However, the weirdest […]

First of Many Crazy Days

Wasn’t it Mary Poppins that said, “Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down?” Maybe that is a good way to look at my semester. As long as I keep a little sweetness in each day to make sure I can get through all the stress of being busy this semester. Today was […]

Returning to the Hill

So, today was the first day of classes for the Spring Semester and I had a really good time. Both of my classes today were great although it was a little long after being gone for so long. I am definitely looking forward to this semester and both of my Monday classes look like they […]