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French Film Festival

This week I had the opportunity to attend the french film festival at McDaniel. While in attendance several things caught my attention.

First off it was extremely packed for a Monday evening film. And although the French department makes it a requirement for current French students to attend, a lot of staff also make it […]

Summer Nights at The Ballpark

I spent this past summer here at McDaniel. Reason being… I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to work here! But that’s not even the most exciting part about the summer. What was best is I spent this summer visiting so many different places along the east coast. But I just want mention my […]


Alright so as I have mentioned several times I am from Southern California. As much as I love this and loving going to school on the east coast there is one thing that sucks…packing!

Each year I struggle with what to pack. This goes for coming back and school and leaving school at the end […]

These last few weeks of school

Alright so everyone knows the last few weeks of school are stressful but I never knew how stressful they could be until this year. Senior year is all about having fun, making as many memories as possible, and figuring out what you’re going to do after graduation.

These past few weeks have been extremely stressful […]

My battle with the cold is finally over!

Looks like spring is finally here! But we never know. Our dear weather has been playing some really tricky games with us. Just when we thought it would not snow anymore, there it was, our grand winter storm. So this was my first snow. I come from a country (Bangladesh) where it is 95 degree […]