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Uncategorized « Expect the Exceptional

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Pumping Iron…No but Really…

One of the best things you can do for yourself while you’re at McDaniel is go to the gym. College in general is not that healthy. In general it entails staying up late working on assignments, eating while you’re doing it, spending copious amounts of time sitting doing work, and let’s face it–glar isn’t […]

Time to Sleep

So, the nicest thing about the last few days was the with the con past I was able to get a lot of sleep and rest. I enjoyed the con and con planning a lot, but I don’t think it hit me right away how tired I was. My favorite part of the convention was […]

Card Towers and Nerf Guns

This Thursday was our spring club fair as Amber has previously posted about. I have a slightly different story to tell however…

Having my own club to run on campus, Advocacy Team, we too had a table at the club fair to let others know about our organization and sign up for emails about it. […]

I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was still winter. (and a crazy tennis match)

Officially, Spring began on March 20th, 2013.

…I don’t think Maryland got that memo…

While the week before Spring Break had a few randomly gorgeous days, meaning the temperature was in the 50s, the past two weeks have been permanently stuck in the 40s. This is unacceptable. Quite frankly, it’s also been the talk of […]

Early Spring Snow Day

So, it was really pretty outside today; however, not with the beginnings of Spring as everyone might have expected on our first day back from Spring Break. We got a lovely snowfall throughout the day and the campus was really pretty. I went outside a few different times during the day just to enjoy the […]