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Free Press archives online

For my job at the Writing Center I am putting together a presentation about our student newspaper, The Free Press, as a promotional tool to recruit new staff members. My boss made the suggestion that part of this presentation should be a section highlighting past staff members who have gone on to have prominent careers […]

Relax with Sherlock….and do lots of homework

Since my brief trip to NYC was my real vacation during spring break, now I’m back home and getting down to business on what seems to be increasingly large amounts of homework. Having a break really is wonderful though- it’s nice simply getting proper amounts of sleep each night for example and taking some time […]

Spring Break Comes to an End

So, tomorrow everyone will come back to campus to resume their Spring Semester. My Spring Break was actually a lot of fun even though I also did a lot of working. I spent a lot of time making modifications to my cosplay for next weekend, which is when Nippon Ai’s convention is being held. It […]

Spring Break: All The Cool Kids Are Doing It

One of the best parts of college is, of course, Spring Break. You’ve seen it portrayed in the movies, tv shows, and you’ve probably had a few great spring breaks of your own in high school, but in all honesty nothing can truly compare to the awesomeness of a well planned Spring Break combined […]

New York for Spring Break!

Finally Spring Break has arrived, just in time to save my sleep-deprived school self. And what better fun way to spend a few days of spring break than in NYC with a good friend? A great, cheap way to get up to New York is Megabus, with tickets from $1-26 for one direction to or […]