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Spring Break is Here

So, we are officially on Spring Break although I am already back on campus for work at admissions. We finished a little early today so I had a lot of free time to get a jump on my homework and also to relax with friends. I also got my cosplay in the mail and made […]

Spring Break

So, yesterday began Spring Break and for a lot of people that meant cleaning and packing for a nice, relaxing 10 days at home. I am actually staying on campus for the break because I have some work to do for the Admission’s office, but I am still going to get a lot of time […]

What to do when nobody’s around

To be honest, the rare occasions where the entire campus clears out for breaks and only a few students who have a reason to stay into the weekend are occupying the dorms are the best! The showers are always empty, it’s quiet, the lines in Glar are short, and you can park really close […]

Library Renovation

Although I am a little upset that this project is taking place during my senior year and will not be finished until after I leave, I am extremely excited for the current renovations being completed in McDaniel’s Hoover Library.

I never imagined how our library could get any better during my four years that I […]

Spring Break

Spring Break is HERE!

Officially it started for me yesterday, since I have no classes on Fridays. But that’s a minor detail… 🙂

This first weekend is for getting some work done and getting organized for the trip. Monday my roommate Shannon and I leave for Florida! We will be in Daytona Monday through Friday […]