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The Plague

You probably read enough about it on everyone else’s blogs… but it was a pretty important happening on campus last week so here we go – THE MCVIRUS 2013.

A term that was coined by students and the McDaniel Free Press, it is actually a slight misnomer because we are not the only people to […]

X-ray Vision

I’ve decided I have a new superpower: extreme observation. Eye sight that is now drawn to the things I used to pass without a second glance. Starting to notice all the little details, the uniqueness, the artistry, and things that are just plain cool.

The cause for my new skills? Art courses. Throughout college, I’ve […]

Dinner on Us

Tonight, I got a three-course dinner. The best part: it was free! Sodexo, the company that does our food at McDaniel has a new chef in the kitchen for the past two years: Chef Jamie. As a new idea to improve campus dinning, Chef Jamie decided to create “Dinner on Us” events each month. Essentially, […]

The McPlague

Starting around dinnertime and late into the night of Tuesday, Feb. 26, students found themselves battling for space in public bathrooms due to extreme flu-like symptoms. At 10:45 AM, a campus-wide email alerted the McDaniel community that we are experiencing an outbreak of gastroenteritis, a virus.

Though many students are sick and stuck in their […]

Heroes eat Wings

Last night, one of the clubs I’m involved in on campus, Heroes Helping Hopkins, had a different sort of fundraiser: eating at Buffalo Wild Wings!

Heroes Helping Hopkins (HHH) is a service club on campus, and we make dinners for families at the Believe in Tomorrow Children’s House who have children in the pediatric section […]