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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Choices After Dark

I thought my schedule was a thing of beauty. I have no classes on Monday or Wednesday until 6:50 at night, and two classes on Tuesday and Thursday from 1 to 4:10, with another class on Thursday nights from 7-10 p.m. But despite all that open time during the day, it turns out sleeping in […]

HNMUN Closing Time

So, yesterday was the last day of the HNMUN conference. The last committee session was a lot of fun although none of the four draft resolutions could get enough votes to pass. We passed a lot of amendments on each, but it wasn’t enough. However, I was pleased that the resolution that I worked on […]

100 Days

This Friday was the 100 days left until graduation celebration. Along with a free cupcake and pair of sunglasses I got a growing dread. 100 days! 100 days… well. There’s a good and bad side to this. I am so excited! I am also so anxious.

The excited side of me has a countdown on […]

What Is Love?

So this past week was Valentine’s Day, and this Saturday my cousin was married. This got me thinking a lot about love, especially because my class assigned a reading about monogamy. Many creatures are not monogamous, because it is a disadvantage, but love and monogamy are not at all the same thing. This week I […]

A New Motto to Live By

Today was a dreary, bland, annoying day. One of those days where you can’t think about anything except turning around and climbing right back into bed and sleeping until Spring. Personally, I’ve always wished that we humans could hibernate like polar bears from the day after Christmas until the first day that it’s warm enough […]