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Why McDaniel « Expect the Exceptional

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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Sharing the Honors Program

Today was a busy day for me! Immediately after my first class of the day, Logic, I headed to the Forum to eat at a luncheon hosted by Admissions for prospective McDaniel students eligible to apply to our Honors Program.

I sat at a table full of high school seniors who were clearly bright, talented, […]

A Life Lesson

My education classes at McDaniel have always taught me valuable life lessons, but I believe that the ones I have learned this semester have truly been the most important. Since I’ve been at Manchester Valley High School for my student teaching, I’ve really been able to find a new community to fit into. I’ve been […]

Interviewing Strangers

Besides being an English major, I’m also pursuing a minor in Writing as well as Journalism. Last semester, I interned with the Baltimore Sun’s Features department and got a taste for what it would be like after I graduated. To put it simply, I was terrified. After I got over my fear of driving into […]

Why McDaniel?

Today, I want to talk about some of my favorite aspects of life here at McDaniel College. Not terribly much has happened since I posted on Saturday, I worked on homework, watched movies with friends, and played cards a few times. So, since nothing terribly fascinating has occured, I figured it would be a nice […]

Fall Visit Days

So, I work with admissions and one of my favorite parts of that is meeting some of the prospective students. Today was one of the fall visit days and I had the privilege of working as a Glar floater. What we do is sit down, eat lunch, and just talk to and get to know […]