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Expect the Exceptional

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Spending Spring Break at McDaniel

Sometimes it even snows during spring break at McDaniel, like it did this year.

Sometimes it even snows during spring break at McDaniel, like it did this year. (We promise that it doesn’t snow all the time here!)

This past week was spring break for McDaniel students! While I traveled back to California the first two years of college, this year I decided to stay on campus. I reasoned that I have a lot of homework to complete, do not want to spend money or time on a flight, and I can have fun working at the Admissions Office.

The campus is fairly quiet over break, but there are some students at McDaniel such as athletes, other student workers, or students finishing research. This break was not the most exciting break for me, but I do enjoy working with the counselors at Admissions, and the tour groups have been really fun this past week. While I am sure you would love to read all about my job as a tour guide, here are some Spring Break trips some of my friends went on:

  • Day trip to Baltimore for the aquarium and Inner Harbor
  • Week long adventure in Orlando Universal Studios
  • Trip to Disney World
  • Vacation in North Carolina on the beach
  • Evening visit exploring Annapolis

My friends sent me pictures throughout the break and although I am very jealous, at least I can say that I am getting some work done! There is always next year for a more adventurous spring break…

Broken Bones and McDaniel’s Community


The Snapchat I took of my foot’s x-ray.

I’ve never broken a serious bone before. However, I’ve broken the baby toe on my right foot. Twice.

The first time was in freshman year, and it definitely didn’t happen because I kicked a table accidentally. The second time was on Friday night while with McDaniel friends in New Jersey. Maybe I was wrestling a bear and it stomped on my toe. Maybe I was swimming in the ocean and a shark bit me. Maybe I fell fifty feet down a ravine (like I did last summer–I still have those scars!) Or maybe I was wearing really nice woolen socks and I slipped down the stairs. You’ll never know.

Whatever this incident was, it happened around midnight on Friday night. I fell really hard and initially my whole entire right side hurt. I don’t like people fussing over me, so I waved my friends away and made it to an armchair. When I refused to go stargazing at the beach, something I’d been insistent on doing each night, they realised something must be wrong. By that point, everything else had stopped hurting, but my toe was in complete agony.

I woke up on Saturday morning early, intending to watch the sunrise, but when I tried to stand up, I immediately put the warm ice pack back on my foot and took a painkiller. There’s little you can do for broken toes except to tape them together; however, I decided that I wanted to go to an urgent care clinic as I was practically unable to walk due to the way my skin was pulling and I wanted to get a proper shoe, especially since I only had very well-fitting hiking boots and flip flops with a strap that applied pressure directly to where I thought the break was.

I felt really bad about asking my friends if someone could take me to urgent care since it was a 20 minute drive and I knew I’d be lucky if it took less than an hour. However, they were all really supportive even though I think the baby toe is the dumbest thing possible to break. I had an x-ray done and though you can’t see the break above, I actually apparently have a very clean break in my toe, which is also missing a small piece of bone, likely from its first break. Oh goodness.

When I got back to campus today, my friends were incredibly supportive, offering to get me food from the pub, offering to bring me sushi, providing me with ice packs, and just generally being available and as useful as possible. Though walking around McDaniel is NOT going to be fun–it’s called The Hill for a reason!–I’m glad to know that if I need anyone to help me, I just have to ask.

Traveling the East Coast

I’ve been looking forward to this spring break since last August, when I left my summer job in Yellowstone. Then, three of my friends and I made vague plans to go to my friend’s grandparents’ beach house in North Carolina in the spring. I was determined to make it happen, and so it did. Additionally, I went to a McDaniel friend’s grandparents’ beach house in New Jersey for the second half of the break. I’m very envious of these beach house owning grandparents!

Around 6AM on Monday morning, my two good friends from Ohio and Michigan picked me up from McDaniel. It was really weird having these Yellowstone friends, from such a separate world, being on campus in the dark, but it was a thrilling adventure. We went  to Washington D.C. for a couple of hours to show my one friend the monuments, as she’d never been to DC before. Then, we hit the road for the long drive down to the beach of North Carolina.


Sunrise in North Carolina.

I’d had the chance to visit those two friends in October and in January, but I hadn’t seen my friend from North Carolina since August and I was so so so happy to have them all in one place again. The beach in North Carolina was absolutely gorgeous. It was about 70 degrees on Tuesday, which was hot enough to get me sunburned. I went into the water, though the others stay back. At my parents’ house in San Francisco, I live a block away from the beach and it’s rarely any warmer than 70 degrees, so it was nothing for me!

Thursday came too quickly. I was almost glad to have to leave at 5:30AM, because I didn’t really have to say goodbye to two of my friends as they were still asleep. Leaving the third when he dropped me off at the airport in Raleigh, NC, would have also been hard too if we hadn’t been running late thanks to traffic!


Snow on the beach in New Jersey.

At the airport in Trenton, NJ, two of my friends from McDaniel were waiting to pick me up. It was a strange feeling because my Yellowstone and McDaniel worlds are comprised of such different people, but I was glad to see them.

The beach in New Jersey was much colder. Unfortunately, I broke my toe on Friday night, so I lost a lot of my motivation to go for walks and go swimming, but it was a still a lot of fun to have a few of my closest McDaniel friends around as well as some others I was still getting to know.


Sunrise in New Jersey. I walked to the beach alone with a broken toe to see this one!

I was exhausted when I arrived back on campus today, and also kind of nostalgic. I never really stop missing my Yellowstone friends. But I can Skype them, and I’m a bit more ready to face the final two months of the year.

Sweet Suitemates

Pineapple from my awesome suitemate!

Pineapple from my awesome suitemate!

Since I was on campus for Spring Break, I have been doing a lot of grocery shopping because Glar was closed for break. Since going grocery shopping, I have realized how much I have missed shopping for food. It is one of my favorite pastimes. I also have missed the autonomy that comes with buying food. It is such a freeing experience! Next year, I will have to do it more often!

Anyway, because of this, I have been on a pineapple kick. Not that Glar does not have pineapple on occasion, but I have become a pineapple snob since I have come back from Costa Rica. The pineapple there was the best pineapple I have ever had! Thus, I went to Safeway, and they had Costa Rican pineapple which made my day. I loved it so much that I went back twice for more.

After I had finished all of my pineapple, I was very sad, but I did not want to go back to the store again for just some pineapple. Also, I think my friend was tried of driving me around. Just when I thought that my pineapple high was over, my suitemate left some pineapple for me on the table! It was such a pick me up! She knew that I wanted some more pineapple, and I could not believe that she shared some of hers with me.

It was one of those little surprises that makes you love the people you live with! I have the best suitemates ever!

Spring Cleaning

This spring break, I stayed on campus to work, knit, practice for track, do homework, and clean.

And yes, I was excited for every bit of it, and it was just as wonderful as I’d hoped.

Through cleaning, I managed to put together a box of things to take home that I won’t have to worry about at the end of the semester. I went through all my clothes to make room for things I can wear in warm weather, because that’s here-ish. I also made a space on my desk so I can use it instead of doing homework on my bed (not that I will).

Being able to clear away some of the clutter while dancing around to catchy songs was deeply relaxing. After a semester that has been far too hectic and event-filled for my taste, it was just what I needed—combined with all the knitting, Netflix-watching, reading, exercise, work, and dancing around campus like an idiot because there’s virtually nobody here to see me do it.