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Expect the Exceptional

A sample text widget

Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Saying Good-Bye

Two of my besties!

Two of my besties!

Being a senior, life gets really hectic, and you do not realize what you are going to miss most. This Thursday, I realized that this semester is the last one where I will see one of my best friends at McDaniel. It didn’t hit me until finals week when she pointed it out. She will be abroad in the spring, and I will be graduating then.

Thus, we tried to hang out as much as possible during the last week, but it was still not enough. We had a long good-bye hug, and I almost started crying. It’s crazy how much of connection you build with people during your time in college.

I know that saying good-bye is hard, but we will see each other again. She is such a great person, and I know that we will keep in touch. I am sure I will visit this coast again, and maybe she will visit me. Either way, we will meet again!

The Finals Countdown

Finals week is upon us! It’s a time that can be stressful, but it’s also a time that can be exciting, since it ultimately leads to a much-needed break from school.

Here’s what I’m counting down this finals week:

4 More Days on the Hill

With two papers still to write, and one more project and one exam left to tackle, I’ll be on campus until Friday afternoon. During this time, I’ll also take care of any last errands, squeeze in time with my friends before our six-week holiday, and yes, even clean the house — which will include vacuuming, putting stuff away, cleaning bathrooms, and doing dishes. Phew! That sounds like a lot of work!

3 Hours of Exam Time

All final examinations at McDaniel are scheduled for three-hour periods. In other words, if you have to take an in-class test for your final, during finals week, the section of the class that you’re in will have an assigned three-hour time slot during which you’ll be able to complete the test.

Fortunately, not all exams last three hours, and chances are, you’ll get done early. But feel free to take your time — the three hours are all yours!

I have only one test this year, so I won’t have to spend more than three hours taking tests this week. My exam is for my philosophy of language class, and it’s on Thursday evening from 6:30 to 9:30. Wish me luck!

2 Final Papers

This is a main question I'm probing in my final paper for my philosophy of language class.

This is a main question I’m probing in my final paper for my philosophy of language class.

With my senior sem presentation out of the way, I now have two smaller papers that I’ve needed to tackle this week. The first paper, which is due later today, is a paper for the philosophy of language class I just mentioned. In the paper, I have to answer questions about what language is and what signs are. Luckily, my classmates and I have been building out our answers in draft form throughout the semester, so I’m not writing this paper from scratch, and I have some useful feedback for my professor.

The other paper I’m writing is something called a white paper for my New Media Writing class. This is essentially a professionally written document that makes recommendations to a client. Everyone had the opportunity to work in groups, so I’m working with fellow McBlogger Danielle to complete ours. Every group had a choice of two clients to work for: Habitat for Humanity of Carroll County and a man who sells office furniture online. Danielle and I chose to write a paper for the office furniture client because we felt like we had a greater number of suggestions for him as to how he can improve blogging and social media for his company. And since I’m taking Writing for Nonprofits next semester, I thought it might be nice to write for a for-profit client, to widen the breadth of my experience. What we’ve learned in New Media Writing has been useful in writing this paper, and I’m learning a lot of new things about how to maximize social media in the process.

1 Video Project

To go with our white paper, Danielle and I also have to make one- to two-minute audio slideshow using iMovie. The purpose of this slideshow is to give our client a preview of what’s in the white paper so he’ll want to read it. It also gives Danielle and me a chance to practice using iMovie, but since it’s an audio slideshow, we had the wonderful convenience of not having to film any footage. Danielle and I sat down yesterday to plan the gist of what our slideshow will look like, and it’s a plan I’m happy with. As we work to tackle both the white paper and the slideshow, I hope the two of us are successful!

Late Night Adventures


Hi guys,

It’s that time of the year. Cumulatively, I had over 60 pages worth of papers due in the past week. I am no longer a human being. I love my majors, but there are currently too many papers!

So when my friends and I have bunkered down for what may be a half-nighter if not an all-nighter, what do we do? We leave our cozy spots and get food. We have learned the hard way that Burger King is strict about only taking two orders per time you drive through. We have learned that China Inn, the Chinese place next to Safeway, sells really good hot and sour soup for two dollars. We know when salt and vinegar chips are on sale at Safeway. I am perpetually saving for going abroad next year, so if I have to spend more than three dollars on a single food run, I’ve failed myself.

It’s amazing how productive you will be once you have new and novel food next to you. Or at least, we tell ourselves we’re more productive. Either way, my work has been getting done.

late night adv (2) late night adv (1)

Appreciation Time

This is the last week of school coming up, so everyone is trying to get their lives together before finals. I know I need to make cards for professors and get things for my friends. Tonight at my meeting with my residents, we signed cards that I made for our housekeepers.

Cute cards

Cute cards

The housekeeping staff at McDaniel is wonderful. They are really helpful, and I think it’s important to appreciate all the things they do. I hope they really like the cards, and hopefully it will lift their spirits as the holidays come around.

I am glad that even during this busy time, we can all make sure to appreciate one another!

Friends with Kitchens

Hey there,baking (1)

One of the things I’ve loved about this year is that two of my close friends are in an apartment together…and they have a kitchen. They have adopted me as an honorary member of their apartment, and baking (2)I have my own space in their pantry for flour and other baking ingredients. I miss baking all the time at home, and I love that they let me take over their kitchen whenever I want!

I pride myself on being able to cook basically anything if given a recipe, but ever since I was a small child I’ve loved to bake. Since I’ve done so much of it, it’s second nature to me and the great thing about baking is how there’s enough to sharebaking (3) and everyone usually appreciates a baked good!

I’ve been making a lot of cookies and brownies this year, and when Glar has bananas, my friends and I take one each so I can make banana bread and banana chocolate chip muffins. There’s no way you can’t have a smile on your face when you have a warm muffin in your hand!
