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Expect the Exceptional

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Catching Up at Homecoming

Homecoming is always an exciting time at McDaniel. Many are stoked to see friends that have graduated in the the past. The football game is always a big attraction that allows people to coming home to the Hill.

My homecoming was not as exciting as most stories I’ve heard about — I had to spend it at basketball practice. But I was able to catch some of the football game. Even though I only was able to be in attendance for the first half, I was able to speak with many friends that I haven’t seen since May. These friends vary from old teammates, to past fraternity brothers, and also random people I’ve met over the years at McDaniel.

The person that highlighted my day was Dr. Charles Neal. Dr. Neal retired from McDaniel’s political science department this past spring. He is the professor that made me fall in love with the poli sci major. Seeing him and catching up with him was great.

The weather was just as wonderful as the people I encountered. It was a mild fall day that allowed me to wear shorts and a t-shirt — I’ll take that over being wrapped up in bundles of clothing. The weather made it perfect to tailgate, and with tailgating always comes good food.

So while I was only able to attend the first half of homecoming festivities, I enjoyed every last bit of it.

McDaniel College Homecoming 2014

McDaniel College Study Abroad Fair

Last week, we had a study abroad fair for McDaniel Students. The International Programs Office contacts all of our different study abroad providers, and they send representatives to give students information about studying abroad.

For this study abroad fair, I was the representative for Sol Education Abroad. Sol is the company that I went to Costa Rica with during the summer. It was nice to be a student ambassador because I already knew a lot of people, so I convinced them to come over and learn more about the program.

The table cloth of my study abroad program, Sol Education Abroad.

The table cloth of my study abroad program, Sol Education Abroad.

Study Abroad Fair Selfie

Study Abroad Fair Selfie

The fair is really fun because you can learn about all the study abroad opportunities that McDaniel offers including our sister campus in Budapest, Hungary. We have so many programs it is hard not to be able to find a program that does not go to a country that you want to visit.

It is also really helpful as far as trying to plan for the future. People in certain majors often shy away from studying abroad because they think they do not have time to do it. At the study abroad fair, you can learn about the different options our providers offer such as summer programs. I think it really helps students realize that they can study abroad if they want to regardless of major.

Students checking out other awesome programs!

Students checking out other awesome programs!

If you want to go abroad, McDaniel is the place for you. We want to help you achieve your study abroad dreams!

Harmless Halloween Fun

Halloweekened has come and gone, and I had a lovely time. I’m not really into the types of parties that college students are traditionally associated with, so I have to come up with other ways to have a fun time.

On Halloween night, which happened to be a Friday this year, I was all set to go see a Halloween showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Carroll Arts Center, but all my friends who said they’d go with me ended up bailing last minute. I didn’t feel like going alone, and I didn’t want to force anyone to come with me, so I cut my losses and took one of my friends to get Sweet Frog frozen yogurt with me at 9:30 at night. I still had my Rocky Horror Transylvanian gear on at this point, so I was able to get my fro-yo and toppings for a flat rate of $4. (Sweet Frog is one of those fancy new yogurt places that charges by weight.)

Some coloring books and crayons I had on hand proved to be inexpensive and fun Halloween entertainment.

Some coloring books and crayons I had on hand proved to be inexpensive and fun Halloween entertainment.

Since we were already out, my friend and I decided to go to Rite Aid after Sweet Frog to pick up a few needed items. We ended up spending at least half an hour in the newly-renovated store. It always amazes me how something as simple as a drug store can be so entertaining — I never know what types of random and fascinating items I’ll encounter. Our favorite (non-purchased) finds of the night were a “holographic” iPhone case with a Pug wearing a bow tie and a pink raccoon Beanie Baby named Rocco.

On Saturday night, I was ready for laid-back Halloween part two. Since I hadn’t gotten a chance to wear my Hyperbole and a Half costume, I invited some friends over to hang out in costume before they went to another night of parties. I supplied food, music, and coloring books — yes, coloring books — and we had a marvelous time. Never underestimate how fun and relaxing coloring can be as a college student. Not only did I have a fun night with friends and had a chance for my creative juices to flow, but I now have beautiful pictures of ponies and dinosaurs hanging on my walls.

If I can leave you with one piece of advice for how to have fun in college, it is this: Know what you have fun doing, and make those things happen. With a little effort, you’ll have a blast, and chances are, people will want to join you.

Common Rooms: Why are they so important?

common roomCommon Rooms are one of the most important places in college dorms and houses on campus. This is the place where we have meetings with resident assistants (RAs) to learn important information. This is also the place where you can watch television and relax between classes or after homework is done.

However the most important aspect of the common room is the fact that it is like the dining room table of the college dorm. What I mean by this is that the dining room table in most households is where bonding, conversations, eating, etc. happen. Well, the common room is the place where you do group projects, have group study parties, you hang out with friends, and the place where many residence events are held.

Common rooms will help you bond with friends and give you a place to play World of Darkness or do a biology group project or watch the news between classes. This will be the place where you will take your Easy Mac to relax after a long day, or where you read a book while you are waiting for the rest of your friends at your homework party to finish their work. This is also the place where you will have movie nights and just let the tensions of the day wash away.

When the library is closed your common room will be your best friend. It will give you a space to spread out the six books books and binders, open your laptop, and tackle writing that large paper.

Halloween on the Hill

There are always so many different things that happen on campus during Halloween. Yesterday, all of the library staff was dressed up. It was so adorable! Some of the departments had a trick-o-treat event. In the Admissions Office, they had Ramen, which I definitely stocked up on.

Ramen for a week! All thanks to the Admissions Office.

Ramen for a week! All thanks to the Admissions Office.

Being an RA, I also had an event for my residents that was Halloween related. We got together and ate lots of candy. We also did crafts to decorate the downstairs lounge. It was nice to bond with them; we always have fun together.

One of my residents all ready for Halloween!

One of my residents all ready for Halloween!

This is what the wall looked like after we finished decorating.

This is what the wall looked like after we finished decorating.

Halloween on the Hill is always a good time!