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Expect the Exceptional

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Getting Ready for Graduate School

Sometimes as a senior in college you feel like you have taken a few steps back and are a senior in high school again. This is because we have hit that lovely time of year when the GRE come into play, and it is time to start thinking about what are you doing with your future.
As a Social Work major I have many options to consider. I could go for masters in Social Work, I could try for advanced standing in Social Work and get my graduate degree in one year instead of two, I could stay at McDaniel and apply to get my Human Services Management Degree, I could go right out into the world of work.
Yes senior year is spent doing a lot of soul search. So far I have decided to look into graduate school first and see what my options are. I have three schools of Social Work I would like to apply to and I am also applying for the Human Services Management program at McDaniel.
I also have the backup plan of work. So yes I have spent four years working on earning a degree but now I have to think about what I want to do with it? I know I want to help people, however that brings up so m any questions, how, and in what capacity.
So for now I am a senior looking into graduate school, who knows what will happen tomorrow but I am excited to find out! Especially since I have already turned in one application and I am hoping to get an interview.

Go Green Terrors- Home coming

You know it is time for your last Green Terror homecoming game as a student when your house is bursting with excitement and you and your friends are covered in green and gold. Yesterday was my last homecoming game as a student. I got up early and put on my green terror shirt and some sweats got together with my friends, grabbed some blankets to lay on the grass with and headed to Gill Stadium.
The stadium was surrounded with people, tents and cars. One of the most crowded games I have been to in my four years here at McDaniel. My friends and I found a spot and started cheering for our team, then we realized that one person in our group did not understand football and ended up cheering at the wrong times. So we spent part of the game explaining football to one of my friends.
After that we ended up cheering as loud as we could because the Dickinson Fans were so loud, we are at home we have to represent and show our school spirit! So the rest of the game was spent stomping our feet and cheering as loud as we could. We did loss this game, however we did show pride in our teams and our green and gold regardless.

Favorite off campus get away- Gotham Comics!

I have found an off campus gem in the middle of town, Gotham Comics. I absolutely love it!
It has Magic the Gathering cards which I absolutely love to play, and probably spend too much money on lol but it’s worth it for the recreation and the friendships I have developed more through playing. They have everything from single cards, card sleeves, and deck boxes.
They also have an epic collection of anime and comics. Gotham has manga, guides to play world of darkness, pathfinder, and they also have a lot of board games.
I love going here with friends or even alone. I have spent hours here reading manga, looking through cards, looking at comics, and having fun with friends. I also use it for a mini escape when I feel stressed just the walk two and from Gotham and spending some time there is enough to relieve all of my tension.
I have made so many memories there and I cannot wait to make some more when I go Christmas shopping for my friends! Magic the Gather Booster packs and anime here I come!

What’s for Dinner? Dining at McDaniel College

We have five options on campus for eating. Our main place for eating is Englar dining hall which the students typically refer to as Glar. This is one of the two places where your meal plan can be used. Glar typically has theme nights such as German night for German American day, themed for when Mardi gras happens before Lent. They also have sushi nights, make your own sushi night, a chocoholics night (which is typically Valentine’s Day which is by far my favorite theme), Moroccan night. Generally speaking they have your typical dinning hall food, a sandwich station, a station which is for those who have dietary needs, a vegetarian section, and a live action station. The live action station has anything from make your own pasta dish to a Mongolian grill.

The Pub is the second dinning option which takes the meal plan. It takes it in the form of a meal exchange. They have burgers, fries, cheese steaks, meatballs, mozzarella sticks, falafel, ect. This is a great place to mean up with friends, do homework in a squishy chair in a corner between classes, or sit on the balcony outside and get some sunshine on a nice day.

The green and go is our on campus convenience store located right next to the pub. It has everything from frozen dinners, ice cream, toilet paper, laundry detergent, and Advil. Basically if you have something you really need and can’t go to the book store or an off campus site this is where you should go.

Caseys’ Corner is located within the library. It is a Starbucks on campus; they have your typical coffee, pastries, cookies, bagels, and tea. This is a popular place to do group projects or to go do people watching assignments you get for some classes, in my experiences mostly theater classes.
Vocelli’s pizza is the newest on campus eatery. It is located within the lobby to the gym. They have everything that regular Vocelli’s has, two liter sodas, pizzas, sandwiches, cheese sticks, cannoli, and pasta. While slightly on the expensive side it is great for a treat or if you have a group that is getting together and chipping in money to buy pizza for the whole group.

While these are the only places on campus we do have some local places that take McDaniel bucks. These places include Domino’s, Roy Rogers, and Cold Stone Creamery.

The Homecoming Talent Show

L to R: Devyn, Tyler, Jason, and Me

Devyn, Tyler, Jason, and Me

During the week before the Homecoming football game, we had a bunch of different events for the spirit week. Although I could not make it to all of them, I went to the talent show. It was great! We have so many talented people on campus. It never ceases to amaze me.

Many of the people at the talent show were the nominees for the homecoming court, so it was fun to see their different talents. Olivia sang “Let It Go” from Frozen with her mouth closed. Mangie did this really cool jazz hands routine. It was one of the most creative things I have ever seen.

However, my favorite act of course was a performance by my very own residents. They are now officially a band, and I look forward to seeing more of them. Hopefully, they will start writing their own music.

There were lots of different acts at the talent show, and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing everyone perform!