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Expect the Exceptional

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Michigan, Ohio, and best friends


Hey guys,

After my MSL conference on Saturday, I had my friends drop me off at Shady Grove station. They were on their way to New York City, but I was on my way to Dulles airport. I spent a lovely night at the airport not sleeping at all, and since I failed to find a plug to charge my laptop, ended up reading a book all night long. It was all worth it when I stepped onto a plane at 6AM Sunday morning and took off to Detroit, Michigan. I’d been looking forward to this since the start of the year when I had found ridiculously cheap plane tickets.

My best friend, who I met in Yellowstone this summer, met me at the airport and a lot of tears ensued. It’s crazy how close you can get to someone in just a summer. I love my McDaniel friends to death, but seeing her was definitely the best few days of the semester so far.

We went to Ohio that night. I feel like that should mean we took a seven hour drive somewhere, but we really only travelled for an hour. There, we met up with another one of our friends from Yellowstone. We skyped in a fourth and marvelled over the weirdness of being together while not in the park. On Monday, we met up with another friend, who I had known from two seasons in the park.

My friend got a puppy after she left the park. I’m allergic to dogs, but I took anti-allergy pills and got to play with him a ton–he’s such a sweetie, but he loves to chew on everything and he is humongous for a puppy. Leaving him early Tuesday morning was almost as hard as leaving my friend.

I love McDaniel, but I really needed to get out of the state, and seeing my Yellowstone friends could not have been a better use of my time.



Lake Erie


Lake Erie


My friend’s dog, Meeko

Fall Visit Day

Friday was a beautiful fall day at McDaniel--perfect for a fall visit day.

Friday was a beautiful fall day at McDaniel–perfect for a fall visit day.

One of my favorite things to do with my time is work for admissions. It is a really great job on campus that allows for flexibility in my schedule. I get to give tours to prospective students, and I meet a lot of the future Green Terrors before they make their decision to come to McDaniel.

On Friday, we had one of our Fall Visit Days, and I got to give a student tour. All of them were from Maryland, and it was their first McDaniel visit for most of them. One girl was in two bowling leagues. The guys played a few sports. The other girl was interested in theatre and business. It was fun walking around and talking to them about all the cool things we have at McDaniel.

Because the tour finished early, we sat outside and talked for a bit. I learned about what they liked to do for fun, about their favorites movies, etc. After our talk, I took them to class. It sounded pretty interesting, and it’s taught by a cool professor. I think that if you get the chance to visit McDaniel, Fall Visit Days are always a fun time.

Maryland Student Legislature Fall Leadership Training Institute

MSL delegates around lunch tables.

Hi guys!

Last Saturday was Maryland Student Legislature’s first conference of the year: the Fall Leadership Training Institute. McDaniel didn’t send a delegation to this event since it was over Fall Break and since LTI tends to be the less exciting event of the year, but my friend, who is Secretary of State, and I, as Attorney General, got a ride from our friend at Mount Saint Mary’s and went up since being on Council of State really means we need to be at every event.

There are four MSL events a year. The fourth is always held in Annapolis, but the other three rotate through schools so that every delegation gets the opportunity to host. This conference was held at Frederick Community College.

I had to lead a few of the workshops–one on Parliamentary Procedure and another on Bill Writing, both for new members. To my pleasure, we had about 60 delegates there (a big number for LTI) and about half of those were new members. They all seemed really engaged and interested in debating and writing legislation, which made me in turn really excited for this upcoming year. They asked a lot of questions, and though I was nervous about giving presentations, I think they went really well.

It’s always fun seeing old friends and making new at these events, and I’m really glad I was able to go.


Honors Program = Fun

Hanging with my residents at the Glow Party

Hanging with my residents at the Glow Party

Being in the Honors Program is such a great opportunity! I have taken so many great courses, and I have never had an honors elective I haven’t enjoyed. The Program Directors always ask for our input on the classes, and we often get to take classes that also help fulfill our McDaniel Plan requirements. I am already excited for the Honors Privilege and Worldview course I’ll be taking next semester.

Besides taking awesome classes and getting priority registration, we have our own housing options. I have been leaving in honors housing all three years because it’s such a fun time. You live with a bunch of awesome nerdy kids in a suite-style dorm. There is always something awesome to do, like play games in the common room or see what events are going on in the lounge. It’s cool because you have a group of people that you already have a connection with and you also have the option to live together.

This year, I’m the Resident Assistant of our Honors housing. I have been having such a great time with my residents. They are just a great group of people, and I have had so much fun bonding with them.

I would say that overall, the Honors Program has really made my college experience a lot more fun, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone interested in taking fun courses outside his/her major and making cool friends along the way.

A McDaniel Soccer Win

imageThis week I had an opportunity to work an athletic event here on the Hill as a ball boy at the women’s soccer game.

I couldn’t have chosen a more perfect day to work the game. The weather was beautiful–It was a mild 70 degree day with no wind. The sun was out and so were the fans, making it a perfect environment to watch so collegiate soccer. The only downfall about the game was the area I was working had a lot of bugs flying around. But hey, if that’s the price I have to play to watch and amazing game, I’ll take it!

The outcome of the game was a women’s soccer victory. Our Green Terror got the victory over Goucher 3-0. Maggie Quinn made two of those goals, with Erica Diffendal scoring the other. McDaniel is now 7-2-2 and seem to be on their way to a successful season. I’m glad I got to be a part of the game and witness some of the team’s success.