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McDaniel Foods I’ll Miss

Food at any college isn’t perfect, since it will never be like the food you’re used to eating at home.

However, I’ve come to appreciate food served by Glar and other places on campus over the past four years. Cooking is hard and it takes time, as I quickly learned when I finally had housing with a kitchen last year. Harder classes, increased leadership responsibilities, and a part-time job at the writing center over the past two years have made me come to love the convenience of being able to eat at Glar.

About two weeks from now, I’ll be a college graduate, and in the past couple of weeks, I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on my experiences at McDaniel and what I like and love about this school. For now, let me leave you with a list of what I’ll miss food-wise.

Chicken Tender Thursday: Glar at its finest

Chicken Tender Thursday: Glar at its finest

1. Chicken tenders

Most McDaniel students will agree that the best time of the week to eat at Glar is Chicken Tender Thursday, when the main meal of the day is chicken tenders. Glar chicken tenders are some of the tastiest I’ve ever had, and I’ll miss the weekly ritual of eating them with other chicken tender fanatics.

2. Glar cookies

Not a day goes by that Glar doesn’t serve cookies at the dessert bar. My favorites are the M&Ms cookies, which are basically standard chocolate chip cookies with M&Ms in them. They’re good in Glar’s soft serve frozen yogurt or, if you’re looking for a smaller dessert, on their own

3. Chicken pot pie

Glar’s chicken pot pie isn’t pot pie in the traditional sense — because it’s made to feed the masses, it’s basically all of the chicken pot pie fillings with a biscuit on top instead of pie crust. It’s excellent comfort food and something I’ll have to learn how to make when I’m cooking for myself.

4. Hot open-faced turkey

Another staple of Glar comfort food. The sandwich station always has a hot meat option, and at least three times a week, it’s roast turkey. While it’s good in cold sandwiches, it’s even better when eaten with just bread and the addition of gravy.

5. The waffle maker

Glar has one of those commercial waffle irons that you’d find at a hotel that serves continental breakfast. Waffles at Glar aren’t just for breakfast either — waffle batter is on hand during all meals of the day, and on some days, it comes in flavors like strawberry or blueberry. On rare days, the waffle batter is pumpkin or chocolate. There’s plenty of toppings to choose from too, like cherries, strawberries, whipped topping, cinnamon sugar, and of course, syrup.

6. Pub fries

McDaniel’s other main eating spot on campus is the Pub, where you can get standard fried cooked-to-order fare. In spite of what its name implies, no alcohol is served there, but the French fries they serve are really good. Because this is Maryland, there’s always a big container of Old Bay on hand, so my fries never go unseasoned.

7. Lattes

Fortunately, I’ll be able to get lattes just about anywhere, but once I move back in with my parents, I’ll either have to drive to get them or make sub-par experimental versions with my Keurig. On campus, however, I’ve had the luxury of being able to walk a short distance to have someone do a much better job of making lattes for me.

Senior Honors Colloquium: A Culminating Experience

Everyone also had to bring in food on the day they presented. For my presentation, I brought in Hyperbole and a Half cupcakes to match my web comics presentation.

Everyone also had to bring in food on the day they presented. For my presentation, I brought in Hyperbole and a Half cupcakes to match my web comics presentation.

To finish out my time in McDaniel’s Honor’s Program, I took a course called the Senior Honors Colloquium this semester. For this course, seniors in the Honors Program have to present a project that has been meaningful to them during their time at McDaniel. Students typically present their senior capstone research or their honors theses. Because the class is comprised of students who come from all sorts of different academic disciplines, no two sections of Honors Colloquium are exactly alike.

Here are some of the topics people presented on:

  • The Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland, where my classmate got to intern over the summer
  • The need for exercise prescriptions, where doctors prescribe specific exercise regiments to patients (instead of just saying “exercise more”)
  • Whether or not e-cigarettes are harmful and what sources should be trusted
  • How movies are made and what elements go into a screenplay
  • Uses and misuses of Department of Defense funds
  • Parasites called gregarines
  • The treatment of nontreatable schizophrenia
  • How encryption works
  • Adapting a short memoir into comics art

Overall, Colloquium was a fun experience. Learning about topics from a variety of disciplines felt like a good way to wrap up a liberal arts education, and it was cool to see what the Honors Program peers I’d known since day one have devoted their time to over the past four years. I also got to present my senior seminar for a second time, and it was a good way to get feedback from people of other disciplines to see how I should tweak it to present it at MCHC.

On the last day of Colloquium, which was today, we all watched videos about our projects that we had made to summarize them. Here’s mine:

Cup Breakfast

My friends at the Cup!

My friends at the Cup!

I have not been to the Cup in a while, so my friends and I decided to go get breakfast there. As per usual, the Cup did not disappoint. I found out that they have a combo deal which is awesome, so I was able to get a sandwich AND a salad! Oh happy day!



My friends both got the same sandwich, but one of my friends is allergic to milk, so she had her sandwich with vegan cheese! That is so cool! She was so happy about the vegan cheese, and I was happy for her!

Vegan cheese...yum!

Vegan cheese…yum!

I also tried a new herbal tea called Tranquility, and it was perfect. I have never tried a tea there that was not delicious perfection! All in all, the Cup was the perfect way to start my super busy Sunday. I hope I get the change to go back again before the semester ends!

Kona Ice on Campus

This past week, the most awesome thing ever happened; we have had a shaved ice truck called Kona Ice in Red Square! It has been the best thing ever for the warmer weather! I had forgotten how much fun shaved ice can be until this past week.

I am currently addicted to the mango flavor, but someone else told me to try Dragon’s Blood, so hopefully, it will be there next week so I can try that as well. The other cool thing is that part of the proceeds go to the Best Buddies Club on campus. 

It reminds me of home because my mother, and I always get out shaved ice from our favorite Japanese food restaurant during the summer. I am so ready for more shaved ice and fun! Last week of classes here I come!

Mango Shaved Ice

Mango Shaved Ice

End of the Year BBQ Bash

Yesterday afternoon, my RA staff hosted our final event of the school year, a barbecue bash in the quad between ANW and DMC.


The weather decided to cooperate with us and it was an absolutely gorgeous day, and a lot of people came out to play with us. We had corn hole, ladder golf, and a volleyball net set up, though I think the simple frisbee was probably one of the most popular things.

For the first time, we used the grill to make hamburgers and hot dogs. This was a lot more challenging than expected and we ended up serving the food an hour later than we had planned; however, people munched on chips and other snacks while they waited. Having freshly grilled food was really popular, though, and it was sweet to see people all sitting and eating together.


It was a little bittersweet knowing that this would be the last event we’d host as a staff for the year; however, we definitely went out with a bang, as everyone who attended seemed to have a lot of fun.