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Expect the Exceptional

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Sports Talk: Green Terror Sports Across the Decades

Hey guys!

Today, there was an alumni panel on sports across McDaniel. I learned some interesting facts.

  • The first sport at McDaniel was Club Swinging.greenterror
  • This sport was started by William Roberts McDaniel, our namesake. Since he ran that, and later, bicycling, he was kind of like our first athletic director.
  • The second sport was bicycling. They used Penny-Farthings.
  • In our first gym, you had to run 34 laps to run a mile. It was considered the best gym in Maryland at the time.
  • We lost our first football game in 1891 to Pennsylvania College (now Gettysburg.) The score was 0-64.
  • We won our second football game in 1891 against Pennsylvania College. The score was 61-0.
  • The name “Green Terrors” came about because our football team wasn’t green at all–they were like terrors when they came running down the field!

I’m not much of a sports person, but I really enjoyed hearing about more McDaniel history and seeing the alumni.


My Favorite Dorm Snacks

When you’re as active on the Hill as I am, it’s hard not to get hungry between meals. To combat hunger, I always keep plenty of snack on hand. In the past, I’ve devoted an entire plastic under-the-bed tub to snacks and food I can eat in my dorm room. This year, I’m living in a college-owned house, and my room happens to be equipped with two cabinets perfect for food storage.

By living in a campus house, I have a kitchen this year, but I haven’t always had kitchen access in my past years on the Hill. Traditional and suite-style residence halls on campus don’t have communal kitchens, but each dorm room in these types of halls do come equipped with a spacious mini-fridge and a microwave, allowing students who like to occasionally eat in to stock up on food and get creative when they’re cooking.

Even though I have a kitchen now, there’s still plenty of dorm-friendly snacks that I enjoy — no kitchen required!

Apples with Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chips

Apples with Peanut Butter and Chocolate ChipsI’m totally down with eating apples plain, but I was practically raised on apples with peanut butter and chocolate chips. When eaten in moderation, they’re not too bad of a way to get in a serving of fruit, a bit of a protein fix, and a chocolate fix. McDaniel students are allowed to take one piece of fruit out of Glar every time they eat there, and a piece of fruit is also included with every Pub meal exchange, so apples aren’t hard to come by on campus.

They’re relatively simple in execution. Simply slice your able, being careful not to cut yourself, and add peanut butter and chocolate chips to your liking! Voila!

Get creative! Other yummy fruit and sweet stuff combinations include strawberries dipped in Hershey’s chocolate spread and bananas sliced and dipped in caramel.

All Sorts of Other Fruits and Veggies

If you have a lot of space in your fridge, stock up on fruits and vegetables to your heart’s content — plain apples, peaches, oranges, grapes, strawberries, and carrots are all easily stored in a dorm room. If you are tight on fridge space though, bananas and clementines are delicious and they don’t need to be kept chilled. Also, dried and freeze dried fruits are another way to enjoy fruit in your dorm. I love freeze-dried strawberries, and I recently learned that I can get them at Walgreens, which is walking distance from campus.

Granola Bars

I highlight granola bars specifically because not only are they delightful dorm snacks but also because they are among the most convenient on-the-go snacks (and sometimes breakfasts!) a college student can have. A lot of professors on campus permit students to eat in class, provided that the food isn’t terribly messy and its packaging isn’t too noisy–and granola bars fit that bill perfectly. And because there’s a zillion different types and brands of granola bars out there, you’ll never get bored with them!

While we’re on the subject of granola–here’s another dorm friendly meal or treat: granola and yogurt–yum!

The List Goes On…

I’ve mentioned a lot of relatively healthy foods in this post. But I’m a sucker for junk food too, and my food cabinets are proof of that. I always have pretzels on hand to satisfy late-night hunger pangs, and as far as salty snacks go, I’m also a fan of Old Bay peanuts, Annie’s Homegrown Snack Mix bunny crackers, and Saltines. I keep Nutrigrain bars and mini muffin packs on hand for mornings I’m running late, and other sweet treats I like to keep around include Girl Scout cookies and Milanos.

Where to Buy

You have lots of options for getting your hands on dorm food — your job is to figure out which options best suit your needs, your budget, and your level of mobility (some, but not all, first year students have cars on campus, and many students who don’t have cars their first year continue not to have them).

I already mentioned that taking fruit from Glar, and Pub is permissible in certain circumstances. Another easily accessible place to get fruit and other snacks is in the Green & Go, McDaniel’s convenience store.

Food Lion and Safeway are the grocery stores closest to campus. Students walk to Safeway, and if that’s something you’re going to do, I recommend going with a friend, since there’s always safety in numbers.

McDaniel’s shuttle bus, affectionately known around the Hill as The Pickle can also take you to places that sell food, like Target. If you really don’t feel like leaving campus to buy groceries, Amazon and other online retailers can be great places to buy pre-packaged goods. And if your parents are ever in town, it’s never a bad idea to ask them to take you grocery shopping.

Chocolate Chip Cookies and Campus Community


The ultimate chocolate chip cookie 🙂

   As I toured colleges with my sister this past summer, I became even more acutely aware of why it is that I chose McDaniel. On those hot, sweaty, summer days traipsing in and out of stuffy, dank dorm rooms all across the state, while wistfully waiting for the cookie or free food that I desperately hoped would reward us at the end of the tour, I thanked my lucky stars for the luxury that was Blanche Ward – air conditioning, new carpets, bright, clean walls, and big windows.  I was also always eager to compare the pastry offerings in other dining halls to the superb oreo pie made by our pastry chef.  I obviously didn’t find a match, as something that decadent cannot be recreated (though I hope to get the recipe before I graduate – never hurts to try, right?). I passed through the academic buildings of other institutions, occasionally old and decrepit, and remembered how thankful I am that McDaniel holds an intrinsic old charm, yet a very certain breath of fresh air.

But while I toured these other colleges, as my sister chose her fate for the next four years, mostly I was reminded that I chose McDaniel for reasons different from all of these.  It wasn’t for the new academic buildings, bright dorm rooms, delectable oreo pie, or even the cookie at the end of the tour.  Something very particular made McDaniel different.  I sensed it in 2011 when I chose to enroll and again as I went through college tours for a second time.

McDaniel has a community unlike any other. People care about people.   Professors reach out to students and invite them to academic conferences, to dinner at their home, to family game nights.   Students reach out to one another, accepting each other for whoever they are, cros1454613_10202484186975759_1931624013_nsing social, economic, and racial boundaries to forge lasting relationships that deeply enrich lives.  I love a good chocolate chip cookie at the end of a tour as much as the next guy, but believe it or not, ultimately it is these kinds of deep relationships between the members of the campus community that truly change lives here at McDaniel.

This is Me – Lauren Hawkins

1904045_10203404118170005_796599007_nHello everyone! My name is Lauren.  I love hoodless sweatshirts, the Sound of Music, the smell of dryer sheets, rainstorm dances, piles of crunchy leaves, laughter, Christmas music, chocolate chip cookies, red shoes, photography, sharks, hugs, and the Freedom Writers Diary.

Now that we have all the important things out of the way – I am a senior at McDaniel and I am majoring in Social Work and minoring in Spanish.  Last semester, I studied abroad in a small town in Italy called Tuscania (more on that later).  Now that I am back on campus, I am occupying my time with 22 credits, tutoring writing, giving campus tours, babysitting, and working at an internship with the Domestic Violence Program of Family and Children’s Services.

Things are busy, but enjoyable nonetheless. I am excited to see what this new year brings!

Leaps of Faith with Outdoors Club


Us all wearing our lovely harnesses and helmets.

Hey guys!

Yesterday was Outdoors Club’s first trip of the year, and what a dramatic start it was! We went to a high ropes course in Savage, MD, run by Terrapin Adventures.

Fifteen of us went, including people who seemed to be completely unafraid of heights and people who were trying to conquer their fears. The course had three levels, the highest being 40 feet above the security of the ground. I really fail to understand why we voluntarily do something that goes completely against our human nature, buy boy was it fun!

My favourite part was the small sections that were mini zip-lines. I’d thought about going zip-lining over summer, but it was too expensive, and this was the perfect amount.  Over summer, I had also taken a tumble of fifty feet or so down an extremely steep ravine, and since, I’ve been a little bit more conscious of my surroundings and I’ve been trying not to hurt myself. It was lovely to know that I could fool around and jump and dance around

At the end, we got to choose whether to climb down or to jump forty feet down. All of us decided to jump. Despite knowing consciously that I was at no risk thanks to the harnesses and ropes, it was still immensely terrifying to look down.

It was a great way to get out of my little academic world and to do something fun and physical with awesome people.
