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Moving Out: Packing tips from a seasoned student

Moving out of campus housing for the year is not my favorite. I somehow have to find a way to balance final exams and projects with packing–but I always end up finding that way.

Now that I’m currently in the process of moving out of McDaniel for the third time, I feel that I’ve accumulated some packing tips that are worth sharing.

Start Packing Early. At the very least start gathering some stuff together in the couple of weeks before the semester ends. If you have exams later in the week, you don’t want to wait until after they’ve ended before you start packing. Otherwise, you’ll quickly lose whatever energy you have left after all the all-nighters you’ve just pulled and your parents won’t be too happy when they show up and they have to help you put stuff into boxes, bags, and suitcases–when they really wanted those things to be packed so they could load them into the car.

If you can, send stuff home over spring break. Those books and notes you used last semester but haven’t been referencing this semester? Send ’em home. (Or sell them back, if you’re not a book hoarder like me.) Because Maryland weather is so unpredictable, it can be hard to figure out which clothes to send back home, but you’ll definitely be able to pare down some winter items to the ones you like the best–in case it does end up snowing in April and you need the warmth. If possible, Easter Weekend is also a nice time to send excess stuff home, if you choose to go home for the holiday.

Leave behind stuff you don’t want. McDaniel has a free stuff shelf by the post office, where throughout the year, students, faculty, and staff can place unwanted items such as books, magazines, and clothing for others to take. You never know what you’ll find at the free stuff shelf–I myself have picked up some cool books in the past. But if you have items you no longer want or use, there’s no point in shlepping them home when the free stuff shelf is at your service.

Pack books in small boxes. I already mentioned that I’m a book hoarder. This is an indisputable truth and one I’m not ashamed of. When it comes to packing books, they’re best packed in smaller boxes. Books tend to be heavy, so you don’t want to cram all that heaviness into a large box–unless you want the person responsible for carrying the box down four flights of stairs and across the parking lot to the car to have a sore back.

But where do I find boxes? you might ask. I got rid of all my boxes when I moved in! Fear not. Boxes are not in short supply around campus. You just have to know how to find them. Seek out and ask around for boxes by checking your dorm’s trash room to see if anyone has left a box that you could use for packing or by asking your friends on Facebook if they have any extra boxes. I try to start collecting the boxes I need a few weeks before the semester ends, though I’m usually still trying to find boxes by finals week.

Reusable grocery bags are great, especially for packing heavier or oddly shaped items. While using them can mean more trips back and forth to the car, they are small and not rigid in shape, which will make it easier for them to fit in your car.

Hopefully, some of these tips can be useful to you when you move out. I’d say that a lot of them are useful for moving in too! Whatever you do, when it comes to packing, don’t put things off and try to make the packing process as stress-free as possible.

Another finals week bites the dust!

I took my last exam of my junior year this afternoon! While I’m not excited that my junior year is coming to a close, I’m relieved that I no longer have any exams to tackle this finals week. Today, I took my Shakespeare exam, which I think went pretty well, and on Tuesday, I took my Linguistics exam. I also handed in a final paper for each of those two classes last week, so they’ve had me swamped.

I’d have to say that my appreciation for Shakespeare really grew this semester, even if I did find myself complaining about the course a lot (sometimes, it’s just tiresome to read the same author week after week, but doing so definitely has its benefits). I learned so much about Renaissance culture, literary criticism, and some of the deeper themes and meanings in Shakespeare–the stuff that goes beyond what they teach kids about Shakespeare in high school. I hope that someday, maybe even as soon as this summer, I’ll be able to revisit Shakespeare at my own pace and on my own time and work to appreciate it even more.

When I wasn’t cramming for tests or writing, I focused my energies on two main things: relaxing and packing. Now that the week is almost over, my tests are done, and I have to be out of here by 10 a.m. on Saturday, I have a lot more packing to do. But earlier this week, I made a concerted effort to spend time with friends, be it in Glar or outside or in my house’s living room. I have some wonderful friends here at McDaniel and I’m going to miss them when I’m home for the next three months.

For now, I’m winding down and trying to finish things up. I have a writing portfolio for my memoir class due at midnight tomorrow night, and it’s getting increasingly closer to being finished. But now that the weight of tests is off my shoulders, things are going relatively smoothly as I work on my writing and try to soak in the peacefulness of the room that I’ve spent the last two semesters inhabiting.

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I’m sorry my room’s a little disheveled at the moment, folks–it’s finals week! And yes, that is a miniature Christmas Story leg lamp on my dresser, a gag gift to myself that I got at the Westminster Goodwill last year.

Last Weekend

As my previous blog said I was Jersey bound. I had a great time in New Jersey and seeing where my roommate was from. I enjoyed having home cooked meals and just relaxing a bit before finals week!

We also went into Philly which was so much fun! Her parents came with us and showed us different places. We saw constitution square where the Liberty bell is as well as independence hall and Washington square. This part of Philly is beautiful and has so much history!

After this we went and got Philly cheese steaks.  I had had Geno’s before but was excited to try Pat’s. One of my friends and I shared the two to do a taste test. All three of us liked Geno’s better! Lastly, we walked down South st and saw a bunch of cool shops!

I loved my time in Jersey and Philly and can’t wait to go back.

For now I have to continue studying for finals and packing. I am looking forward to Senior week and Graduation but am sad to leave all my friends!!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Senior Week? More like BEST week

Senior Week is a unique thing at McDaniel. We have a whole week after finals of celebrating our success and completion of graduation! The school sets up fun events for us all week!

This year, we are going for brunch at a restaurant downtown. Having a pub crawl downtown, the school is providing us a meal with crabs and there is a bus to the Orioles game! I love how McDaniel has all these fun events for us! I am so excited to finish up finals week and be able to celebrate and relax until I reach the real world!So thank you McDaniel for Senior week!

Eeekkk, Finals Week!

Final’s week has finally arrived! Luckily, all my finals are on different days! Last year I had three finals on the same day! But McDaniel is understanding and they let you move your finals around because they do not want us overly stressing.

I have my Marketing final today at 1:30. So I have all morning to study! Thankfully! Then I have my East Asia final on Tuesday morning at 8:30 followed by my Psychology final on Thursday at 8:30. See, not too bad!

I’ve decided I am going to get up and get breakfast ever morning too! I love my egg sandwiches at Glar! They are on point. Plus I love studying at Glar because I can refill my water or get more food as a little study break!