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Expect the Exceptional

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Last-Minute Memories

Over the years, in college and even high school, I’ve found that school years don’t end until they end, and some of the most memorable moments wait until the last minute to happen.

Yesterday (Friday), was the last day of classes for everyone (except for people like me, who only have classes on Mondays through Thursdays this semester) before finals week, so the school year is definitely wrapping up–faster than I’d like it to.

I had my last day of tutoring at the writing center for the school year along with my Friday morning coworker Michelle. I hadn’t known Michelle very well before this year, but we had a lot of fun working on Friday mornings throughout this semester making crafts, like paper cranes and our fabulous giant cardboard robot–since students don’t always sign up for tutoring appointments on Friday at 10 a.m.

Michelle and I both did not have appointments yesterday, so we spent our hour doing writing center odds and ends and reminiscing about our shifts together. Before going to a meeting, our boss, Josh, asked us to bring the giant robot back from by the stairwell to inside the writing center, so we did, but not without having fun doing so. I decided it would be funny to set the robot back up so that he was sitting on the writing center’s sofa. Everyone who got to see it, including Josh, was amused.

photo (9) (800x600)

Michelle and I got to do a lot of fun things for the writing center over the past semester. I’ll miss getting to work with her!

I spent my Friday afternoon working on homework (and getting some rest after completing two major papers) before going to Dangersauce in the evening. Dangersauce is McDaniel’s improv comedy troupe, and for the most part, they’re hilarious. Last night’s show was their final show of the year, which was sad because it was the final show of two very funny and talented senior women. I was really impressed by the audience turnout–there had to have been at least 60 or 70 people there, about three times as many audience members as there normally are.

Overall, I had a fun Friday, and in spite of everything I need to accomplish before next weekend, I hope to continue to have fun as I finish up my junior year!

Mentee Reunion

I have had so much fun being a Peer Mentor this year at McDaniel. I had a great group of mentees. They were just fun people, and I love hanging out with them. Towards the beginning of this semester, we had a get together in the Rec Lounge.

I bought pizza and soda. We ate and caught up on each other’s lives. We also played a card game, so things got pretty crazy because we get competitive. All in all, it was a great time.

Right now, I am going to make them some end of freshman year/finals cards with treats. I am going to miss my little freshman, but I know they have all the makings of super sophomores. Watch out summer, here we come!

Some of my fabulous mentees

Some of my fabulous mentees

Picnics and Political Science

Hey all,

Around the end of the year, a lot of departments have picnics just to get their students together and hang out for a while. On Thursday, the Political Science department had its picnic in Harvey Stone Park, which is a big gazebo just beside the golf course.

Dr. Neal, a political science professor specializing in American politics, is retiring after having been here since 1978.

Dr. Neal, undated photo from the Political Science department.

The picnic was also to give him a big send off. Alumni came to celebrate his career and to tell us younglings tales about what Dr. Neal had done in the past. Though I hadn’t had a chance to have a class with Dr. Neal, he was the advisor for Harvard National Model United Nations and for Phi Alpha Delta, so I’ve interacted with him a lot out of class.

The picnic was held on a beautiful day with a lot of really good food. I enjoyed meeting my advisor Dr. Smith’s wife as well as some alumni who had done Maryland Student Legislature who I could swap tales with. It was fabulous to have a chance to relax and hang out with my fellow political minded polisci majors while enjoying the weather, which for once was cooperating.


One of the Coolest People on Campus

There are so many wonderful people on the McDaniel campus, but this guy made my day, so I had to blog about it. His name is Cliff, and we were in the same FYS (First Year Seminar) together. I had not seen him for a while because we have not had class since then.

While having class outside, I heard someone playing guitar and singing. Naturally, my first assumption is that he is probably the love of my life. However, I peaked around the corner to find that it was just Cliff.

Thus, we spent the rest of the afternoon just chilling together. He serenaded me with songs, and we just made a bunch of jokes about how he is love with me (which is obviously true). We just had a super fun time!

Now he is making a habit of playing out in public so hopefully, he’ll keep that tradition alive. I just love hearing music on campus. It’s the perfect background music to this awesome spring weather.

Cliff and his guitar

Cliff and his guitar

Jersey Bound

This weekend I am headed home with one of my roommates to her house in Moorestown, NJ. I am so excited to finally see her hometown and to see where she grew up! It is hard to believe that we let 4 years go bye without doing this.

So far we plan to leave McDaniel around 1 on Friday and arrive at her house around 4. We plan to just hang out and relax on Friday night and start to study for finals. On Saturday we plan to take the train into Philly and explore downtown. I have been to Philly before but am excited to see it again. Sunday is mothers day so we will be having lunch with her mom, who’s become another mom for me, and then head back to school.

I am looking forward to this trip so much for a few reasons. One would be that even though McDaniel is awesome and offers several activities, it is still nice to get off campus and go to a house. Another is that  I love seeing where people are from and I believe this helps me to understand them a bit more.

I hope you all find lifelong friends in college and can go and enjoy their home towns, wither near or far, and see where they grew up.