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Expect the Exceptional

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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Nights at Hoover

Hoover library has been my second home here at McDaniel. There are five floors to this amazing library so there are all sorts of study areas one can choose. They have group study rooms, individual desk, and an assortment of tables. The options are endless!

My favorite spot is either on the first floor where there are computers or on the top floor. On the top floor, they have special group study rooms where there is a big TV that is used as a computer. Using this room is perfect because you can have so many tabs open when working on a project or paper. I love it. Makes the homework process much easier.

There is a silent floor, where if you enter you can literally hear a pin drop. It’s that quiet. So I stay clear of that floor.

The first floor is open 24 hours. So students can stay as long as they want and work on their assignments. I love the fact that the library is open 24 hours because its more convenient for all students.


SIS: Sophomore Interdisciplinary Studies

Since I already discussed my First Year Seminar, I thought I would share with you my experience with my Sophomore Interdisciplinary Studies (SIS). An SIS is a McDaniel Plan requirement that dives deeper into the liberal arts aspect of McDaniel. It is a class that tends to be out of the box and makes you think beyond the standard classes. Sometimes there are even two teachers from two completely different subjects that come together to teach one class. That is what I had for my SIS.

My SIS class was called Happiness. I mean, who wouldn’t want to take a class called Happiness, right?! It was what you would expect it to be: a class studying the idea of happiness. However, you would not expect the teacher combination. One of our teachers was an Economics professor, while the other was a Psychology professor. We looked at happiness from both aspects and it was really interesting! I favored the psychology side of the class, but that is to be expected since it is my major. We were also lucky enough to have some great guest speakers and we also watched some very fascinating films.

It was a great class that really expanded my learning and the way I look at things. An SIS may not always go towards you major, but it fits perfectly into a liberal arts education and is well worth it!

Hot yoga

I love to try new things and experience different things. I tried hot yoga for the first time Friday evening and LOVED it! Even though you’re sitting in a room that is 95 degrees and sweat a lot it is still enjoyable!

If you enjoy working out and trying new things hot yoga should be on your life! Here in Westminster there is a Gold’s gym that has yoga studio where they do several different types of yoga. Hot yoga is on Wednesday’s and Friday’s, and may be on other days.

This is just one of the many cool things Westminster has. Even if you do not think you’re very flexible I suggest you give it a shot. It’s only $6 and is between and 1.5 to 2 hours longs.

This is a fun things to try with your friends!

Hope everyone is enjoying the spring weather!

Senior Capstone

This past Thursday I officially finished my senior capstone. I have briefly talked about this before but each major does a senior capstone/ seminar and presents theirs a different way.

I wrote a past blog about what I did for mine but for those of you who did not see it, I looked at the effect of static-stretching on vertical jump height. I am an exercise science major so for our capstone’s we write a paper, make a poster, then have a poster presentation with all of the exercise science majors. This year there are 28 of us graduating with a degree with exercise science therefore there were 28 posters.

We each had to hang up our posters sometime on Thursday before 3:30. Our poster presentations went from 4-6 pm, where we each stood by our posters and talked briefly about what we did, why we did it, and what we found. All of our professors came around and asked us questions and used this as part of our grade.

The presentation’s are open to anyone so several people’s parents came as well has several students and a few other faculty members. Before we started everyone seemed to be nervous but about 15 minutes in we all calmed down and enjoyed it.

I am relieved that this part of my capstone is finished! The only thing I have left is to turn in my paper, which I am almost done with.

It is extremely bittersweet as well because it means my senior year is officially coming to an end.


Annual Session–Maryland Student Legislature

McDaniel’s MSL delegation, which won the 2013-2014 award for Best Delegation.

Hey guys,
This weekend, I’ve been in Annapolis, MD for Maryland Student Legislature’s Annual Session of simulation the MD legislature. It’s been a whirlwind of events, and it barely feels like an hour ago that I left McDaniel, while that was actually on Thursday. I’ve had an insane amount of fun, and just tonight was elected to serve as Attorney General on the Council of State for next year.
At annual session, we debate acts and resolutions that us students had previously written. First, a bill goes through committee hearings, where a committee makes sure the bill is debateable and corrects for any minor wording issues. Next, it goes to either the Senate or the House, and if passed there, to the other chamber. If passed in both chambers, it goes to the governor for signing or vetoing.
I’ve been serving as Parliamentarian for most of session, which means that I look over amendments and approve/reject them as well as serve as the final word on anything to do with parliamentary procedure. However, this means that I’m unable to debate and vote, so I haven’t debated as much as I’d have liked to. I’ve still been able to meet amazing people and hear some really intelligent discussions and compromises, and, aside from going to Boston for Model United Nations, this has definitely been the best weekend of the year.