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Expect the Exceptional

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Talent Show

Tonight (on a date) I went to the service sorority Gamma Sigma Sigma’s Talent Show. My friends came over and helped me get all dressed up. The talent show was super fun!

We have so many talented people at this college. I saw unique dancers, beautiful singers, and a guy played the Native American flutes. All in all, it was a great night.

The highlight of the show was when John belly danced! I could not stop laughing and yet I cannot deny that he was really good.

All of the participants

All of the participants

An end of the year get-together

If you’ve ever toured McDaniel, you might have heard some pretty nice things about our professors, including but not limited to the fact that they’re AWESOME and that professors often like to have students over for dinner at their homes. While this is not true of all professors (though I can still dream that certain professors will someday grant me the honor of letting me in their houses), the professors who do host parties for students do a really great job of it.

Last night, many of my fellow writing tutors and I showed up at the house of McDaniel’s wonderful writing center director (and our boss), Josh. Josh tries to have a tutor get-together at his home at least once a semester, and these parties are something I look forward to all semester. Typically, he and his wife will serve tacos or something else that can accommodate vegetarians in addition to meat eaters, sometimes, there will be homemade ice cream, and always, there are games. Fun games. Some of the best and funniest games I’ve ever played.

At this year’s party, we played Whisper Down the Lane Pictionary, a game that involves paper, pens, and a sense of humor, in which players alternate between writing sentences and drawing them, with each player only allowed to see the sentence or picture that was written or drawn before whatever they have do to. The results are hilarious. Even the most mundane starting sentences turn into some really funny illustrations, which lead to even funnier interpretations of said pictures and so forth. The laughter is side-splitting.

Since Josh grew up in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and had plenty of exposure to Amish and Mennonite people during that time, he also likes to have people play a game called Mennonite Madness, a game in which players each get a piece of paper but the group only gets one pen. Players take turns rolling a die with the hopes of rolling a one or a six. Once someone roles one of those two numbers, that player gets to take the pen and try to write down the numbers one through 99 and will right down as many of those numbers as possible until someone else rolls a one or a six and gets to take the pen from the first player and try to do the same. Whichever player gets to 99 first wins the game. It’s a fast-paced game full of shouting and grabbing, and it’s always fun. I’ll never forget how at one of last year’s tutor parties, one of the tutors got so into the game that she accidentally threw a pen across Josh’s dining room, nearly breaking the window.

Josh’s appreciation for his tutors really shows, not just through his parties, but through all the things he does for us throughout the year, be it making sure that we’re all doing okay to helping us write resumes and cover letters to taking us to conferences. Because he’s such a great guy, the other tutors and I worked together to get him and his wife a present for their first son, who is due in June. Since we’ve had kind of a robot theme going in the second half of this semester (we built a giant robot out of cardboard just for the heck of it), I decided that we should get the baby a blanket with robots on it, which thanks to Etsy, we did. Josh and his wife both really appreciated the gift, which was a relief, since I put a lot of work into being in charge of organizing the gift and the cards and whatnot.

Tutor parties are such a blast and they’re one more reason for me to appreciate my good fortune in having a job at the writing center. This coming week is the last week of classes before finals week, and it’s also our last week of tutoring for the school year. I’ve learned and grown a lot as a tutor this year, and when I’m home for the summer, the writing center is something I’m really going to miss. Thankfully, I still have one more year left  and to become an even better tutor and to create even more writing center memories.

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Here’s the cardboard robot (at the time, still in progress) the writing center tutors collaborated on this semester.

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And here’s the adorable baby gift the writing center’s robot creation inspired!

What’s Next?

As my reach my final weeks of being an undergraduate, I cannot stop thinking about the future. It’s happening. I’m going to the real world. As seniors, we have A LOT to think about. What job we want, where we want to live, how we’re going to budget our money.

Luckily, McDaniel has prepared me for this drastic step. I have had my Resume looked over and changed by the CEO office, my professors, and my peers. I have learned about the little stuff in life…such as how to budget money…which is kinda important.

One thing that I have been debating about is whether to continue my schooling. There are a lot of factors but McDaniel does have some amazing programs here. There are so many choices, that I find it difficult to pick one. Thats why I believe I’m going to hold off for a little and see which way the wind takes me! Cheesy, I know.

Anyway, no matter how much I freak out I know everything will work out if I stay dedicated and continue to work hard.



Senior Week!

With all the projects, papers, and test preparation going on right now, it is nice to have something to look forward to. The senior class definitely has an exciting time ahead and senior week is a part of all that excitement! Senior week is the week before graduation and the school puts on several awesome activities for us. There is a small fee, but it is well worth it!

This week, we had to register for everything and we were able to see what the week has to offer. There is a lot of great things in store for us! One night we get to go to an Orioles game. There is a crab feast lunch. The local restaurants and bars are having special deals for us. The list continues and I can’t wait! The best part is while we are doing all these fun activities, we will not have any homework. 🙂

Along with those fantastic events, we were also able to order tshirts. The tshirts have Senior Week 2014 on the front and the slogan: “We’re not here for a long time, we’re just here for a good time” on the back. Although it may be a cheesy saying, I love it and I think it holds some truth! College flies by, but you have to enjoy the moments you do have!

We’re almost on to our last week of classes and graduation is only 24 days away! While I have mixed emotions about graduating, I can definitely say I am looking forward to senior week 🙂

Ed Burns

Tonight I was lucky enough to listen to a guest speaker who was the producer and screenwriter for the hit HBO series, The Wire. Ed Burns worked in both law enforcement and within the education system.

Burns has seen a lot and been through a lot throughout his life. He spoke about our society and the pros and cons within it. He touched on the laws of America, the impact of technology, and what we can do as citizens.

Burns spoke about technology in a very interesting manor. He said that technology can be both good and bad, especially in my generation. He believes that the majority of youth use technology incorrectly. Maybe he’s right. Maybe we aren’t using media to change our society for the better.

Burns brought up a lot 0f topics that make me think about what I contribute to society. Listening to Burns was a great experience and it was amazing to be able to hear his perspective!

That is one of the things I love about McDaniel…they have amazing guest speakers and lectures!