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Expect the Exceptional

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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Reaching the end

Came across this today on my way upstairs to our English Department. It made my day. But on a serious note- finals coming soon in about two weeks, it is time to be mechanical.





Crunch time

It’s that time of the semester–the time when students seem a little drowsier and a lot busier than normal. With only two weeks of class before finals week, this is completely to be expected. I’ve noticed that the library is starting to get fuller and more people are scheduling appointments at the writing center than the normally do. (And as a peer writing tutor at the writing center, I find that the students I work with and myself struggle to stay completely alert during our sessions!)

Even though I only took three classes this semester (the standard is four, but I had enough credits from AP courses and previous semesters to take just three), I still feel buried in work. In the next three weeks, I have to finish and turn in three papers, take two final in-class exams, and hand in a portfolio of memoir writing. When I think of how sleepy I’ve been lately, I can find myself agonizing about how much work I still have to do and wondering how the heck I’m going to do it. But I try to go easy on myself and peck at my work bit by bit–it’s better than saving an entire paper for the night before and the sense of accomplishment I get from tackling small pieces of larger tasks can help quell my anxiety.

In spite of all the work and lack of sleep, fun things are still to come. Since it’s finally nice outside, I can do some of my work outdoors. I live in an on-campus house, so I spent my Saturday afternoon writing while sitting on my deck. Also, senior seminar presentations in my department start this week, and since I’m doing my own senior sem in the fall, I plan on going to the presentations–I also want to cheer on my senior friends, who have worked incredibly hard on some fascinating projects.

Lastly, I’ll try to squeeze in as much friend time as possible. Two of my housemates have birthdays coming up before school gets out, so we’ll try to celebrate those. And on the Monday of finals week, the late night pancake breakfast will take place, as it does every semester, and my friends and I will let off some steam as we stuff our faces with pancakes, eggs, and hash browns. Yummy!

It will only be a matter of time until I’m back home in Pennsylvania and reunited with my family and my dog.

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This is my corgi Lily, a few days after finals week last spring. This picture pretty much sums up how I feel after finals week.

Cunningham Falls!

Maryland has some of the best hiking trails! Just the other day I ventured over to Cunningham Falls, which is near Frederick.The drive was only about 45  minutes so it was not too long.

The hike was about 4-5 miles and we hiked to a waterfall! It was amazing! Cunningham Falls is not the only place one can hike! There are trails located throughout Maryland and the trails range in distance.

This was my first time hiking in Maryland but it definietly will not be my last!


Maria Brew


Camping with Outdoors Club

Hey there,
You may wonder what McDaniel students do on weekends, especially when it’s pouring rain. Well, Outdoors Club goes camping.
On Friday evening, five of us went to Patapsco State Park, where we pitched a tent. As soon as the tent was up, it stopped raining, of course. We were then able to build a fire and we made s’mores. We also cooked bananas with marshmallows and chocolate.
In the morning, we packed up camp and went hiking. We didn’t get too lost. The sun was finally shining and it was an extremely beautiful day.
Despite the rain, it was a ton of fun, and though I didn’t know my fellow campers beforehand, I grew to really like them throughout the trip.

The Importance of Creativity

My Sophomore Interdisciplinary Studies course, Genius, Madness, and Creativity, has a huge project coming up which I am mildly stressed out about. However, the best part is that I got to pick my subject matter. My presentation is on a famous Indian mathematician named Ramanujan.

He made lots of awesome contributions to mathematics, but the part I have enjoyed most about the project is learning about his creative process in mathematics. He used really unique ways to come up with his conjectures.

This project has made me realize that sometimes convention is not the most important thing. The most important thing is creativity and imagination. Thus, I am inspired to try and stretch my own creativity by taking more fun music courses next semester.

I really enjoy how the classes at McDaniel change your perspective. I cannot wait until next year’s courses!