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Expect the Exceptional

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Alumni Game

Yesterday I had a wonderful day! I got to see several of my friends from the soccer team who had graduated in the past three years. This is because we had our alumni soccer game Saturday morning followed by a tailgate and the men’s alumni game.

Not only was it a beautiful day outside but I was also able to do a few of my favorite things. I got to play soccer, catch up with old friends, and eat some delicious food. Alumni games are usually held in the sports off-season. Therefore because soccer is played in the fall our alumni game is in the spring. During the fall the women’s soccer team does do a few things to include the alumni in our games but the team does not play the alumni until the spring.

This year since I am a senior, I was able to play on the alumni team! This was bittersweet but I still had so much fun!

The rest of the day was really fun as well! There was a men’s lacrosse game I went to with a few of my friends as well as a men’s baseball game. Spring sports always bring out a decent amount of fans, especially when the weather is nice.

I can’t wait for these next few weeks and the last few games of the season.

My First Half Marathon!

Today I was able to check something off my bucket list! I ran in my first half marathon! My aunt, who lives in Alexandria and has done marathons in the past, did it with me and we were both successful. I ran mine in 1 hour and 53 minutes, and she ran hers in 2 hours and 10 minutes. We ran it in Columbia, and it was called the Iron Girl Half Marathon, so it was a females-only event. It was cool to see many strong, healthy women!

I have been training for this half marathon for the past few months, and it was great running around Westminster. Sometimes I had to get pretty creative, but there are several different options I could usually take. Main Street is always a good run, there are many neighborhoods that are nice to run through, and the McDaniel campus itself also works!

It is also nice having many options of races close by. The Columbia one worked out perfectly because it is right in the middle of my aunt and I. It was an easy 40 minute drive for me. I am so lucky to be able to take advantage of Westminster and the surrounding areas, and fufill one of my long time goals! It was a great feeling and the lunch at the Cheesecake Factory afterwards was a bonus 🙂


Alumni Saturday

Hello everyone,

So yesterday, the beautiful Saturday that it was, I spent the day on the soccer field enjoying the Alumni game activities! Generally, during almost every sports teams’ off season, there is an Alumni game. It is great event, because all the former players get to reunite and challenge the current players. Both mens’ and womens’ soccer had their games, and mens’ soccer also had their spring scrimmage, which they won!

Since I am a senior and technically an alum to the soccer program,  I was put on the alumni team! While I missed playing with the current players, it was a blast to play with a bunch of my former teammates. A majority of the team was with women I played with in the past, including three who were seniors when I was a freshmen! Unfortunately, the alumni team lost, but it was a great time 🙂

After the game, we had a tailgate with so much delicious food. It gave us a lot of time to catch up and see what everyone was up to post-graduation. They actually even gave me some great advice about life after college, so we had some great conversations! While we ate, we were able to watch the men play and cheer them on.

It was a great day, spent with great people! I am so glad that sports’ teams have alumni games and I look forward to attending many more to come.

These last few weeks of school

Alright so everyone knows the last few weeks of school are stressful but I never knew how stressful they could be until this year. Senior year is all about having fun, making as many memories as possible, and figuring out what you’re going to do after graduation.

These past few weeks have been extremely stressful for me trying to finish my capstone, writing papers, and taking a couple of tests. I have learned to manage my time so I am able to have fun with friends and make new memories. Doing this makes for late nights and early mornings but no matter how tired I am I just keep reminding myself I only have a few weeks left until I graduate and won’t be surrounded by my best friends anymore.

Recently, talking about graduation has been extremely sad. Everyone at McDaniel makes it so hard to leave. Don’t get me wrong I am very excited to be done with homework and school work but having to leave the people who have become your family is difficult.

So I guess what I’m trying to say is no matter how much work I have I would take being here at McDaniel with my friends over working in the real world any day. I hope as you all are preparing to leave home and start a new chapter in your life you remember that McDaniel becomes your home, and you friends your family.

Enjoy Spring..and these last few weeks of school.


Best Saturday Ever

Today I hung out with some of the most awesome people ever! I have forgotten how much I love going to the Spanish house. We have the best intellectual conversations. We talked about politics, shared personal stories, and I was inspired in many ways.

I think sometimes in life it’s easy to become apathetic to injustices, but today I found my fire again and my desire to help others and make the world a better place. Now I’m going to eat curry and burgers with some more awesome people.

What a great Saturday!