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Expect the Exceptional

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The Peep Show

Last weekend, I went to the Carroll Arts Center with some friends to go to the Peep Show. It was my first time going, and it was AMAZING!! They put up art displays of sculptures and pictures made out of the Peeps candies.

Besides the awesome artwork, there are super cute children everywhere! This little boy saw that I was wearing a Monster’s University shirt (Yes, I am a nerd) and he came up to me and told me that I should go to the other side because there was a sculpture of Mike Wazowski. That made me smile!

My favorite sculpture was Olaf from Frozen because that is currently my new favorite movie. The Olympics sculpture was cool as well because the skaters in the middle rotated in a circle. There were also clever recreations of famous artworks.

The Peep Show is such a fun time. I will make sure that I go every year!

Mike Wazowski

Mike Wazowski

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Olaf from Frozen

Olaf from Frozen


My Summer Study Abroad Classes

I’ve recently received the official paperwork for my study abroad this summer at the University of Stirling, and I got all the classes I wanted! That means I’ll be taking three classes that count for a major/minor, and one history course just for the fun of it. Here they are and why I’m excited for them:

  1. ‘Brief Encounters’: An Introduction to Writing Short Stories.-This is all about learning how to create characters and compelling stories, which is fantastic since I love to write but have problems with short stories. The most exciting (and terrifying!) part is definitely the excursion, though…”The course will culminate in a live ‘reading’ at a leading local arts centre when students will have the chance to share the stage with a prominent Scottish writer.” This will count towards my writing minor.
  2. Royals and Rascals: Contemporary Studies in British Journalism.-This is all about media ethics, where we’ll be exploring different media cases and discussing the media’s relation to public figures. “These cases range from Princess Diana’s death, for which the Paparazzi were blamed, to Prince Harry’s more recent indiscretions, which played out in the digital media. Excursion (s): Balmoral Castle and a visit to a Scottish newsroom (eg. BBC).” A media ethics course with a partial focus on the British royal family with visits to a castle and newsroom sounds fantastic.
  3. Monsters and Vampires: The Impact of British Gothic on Contemporary Popular Culture-I’m a bit sad that the credits transfer under Dr. Kachur’s Horror Fiction course, which means there’s no reason for me to take that, but it’s exciting to be able to discuss things that go bump in the night. Plus, “This course will also include a tour around The Edinburgh Dungeon and a visit to the Gothic theme bar The Jekyll & Hyde.” I remember walking passed the Edinburgh Dungeon when I was in Scotland and wanting to go in, so I am definitely ready for that trip.
  4. Scottish History: The Jacobites-I’ve recently found the Jacobites to be very interesting, but haven’t had much of a chance to do a lot of research and reading about them, so this is a great opportunity to learn a lot about it in a short amount of time. It also includes trips to important sites, includes Killiecrankie and Sherrifmuir. I might also take the time to go see Culloden.

Easter and being away from home

Easter is right around the corner and whether you celebrate it or not it is still a good weekend to go home and get away from school. Since I am so far from home I unfortunately cannot make it there and back in a weekend.

Good news though, I have an Aunt that lives about 30 minutes away in Littlestown, PA. Both my freshman and sophomore years, I was able to go up to her house for Easter and still be with family. This year I will be doing the same. I am looking forward to some home cooked meals and spending time with my cousins!

Last year, I had a little bit of a different experience since I was abroad. My mom came to visit and it just happened to be Easter weekend when she first arrived. I originally had nothing planned for us but then decided I should make her an Easter basket. I enjoyed finding little things about Budapest that were traditionally Hungarian items. We also went to the Basilica on Easter Sunday. Although the whole service was in Hungarian it was still pretty amazing. Plus, the only way to see the inside of the Basilica is if you go to church, what a better way to show my mom then on Easter Sunday.

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend! I know I will!

EVIL DEAD: The Musical

Tonight I got to see McDaniel’s theatre department put on EVIL DEAD: The Musical, a musical based on the Evil Dead movie trilogy. I like comedy, I know a lot of people in Evil Dead, and it’s McDaniel’s last show of the year, so naturally, I had to go see it.

The show was hilarious and the music numbers were catchy. Everyone kept swearing and dying, zombies sang and danced, and the main character ended up with a chainsaw for a hand–What’s not to love?

McDaniel’s theatre department may be small, but they put on a few shows a semester and they do a good job making sure different genres are represented each semester. That way, theatre majors can have experience in all different types of shows, from period dramas to Shakespeare to comedies and musicals–yes, even musicals about living dead people. Students don’t even have to be theatre majors to participate.

If you happen to live anywhere near Westminster and you’re looking for something to do this weekend, I highly recommend going to see Evil Dead, which you can catch Friday or Saturday night at 7:30 in Alumni Hall–just try not to be bitten by any zombies!


Skype is one of my favorite things. It allows me to see my parents and friends while they are abroad.

This past Sunday I was able to skype with my parents and a family friend while they were having dinner. Although I love it here on The Hill sometimes I do get homesick. By being able to skype I am able to see my parents and this tends to help.

I also was able to skype one of my friends while she is abroad in Budapest. As she told me about her recent adventures I was able to share stories with her about what was going on on campus as well.

I remember trying to skype one of my friends while I was abroad. We could not get the connection to last longer then five minutes to save our lives. Although we talked to five minutes then hung out and called again and again and again we still were able to talk and hear about what was going on with each other.

What I am trying to say is that if you are going far away from home or looking to study abroad but are afraid of missing everyone to much there is a solution. Skype has helped me and several of my friends and I strongly suggest everyone gets one before coming to college.

Hope everyone has a great day!