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Africa « Expect the Exceptional

A sample text widget

Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Unite to Ignite

A member of Africa’s Legacy performing her spoken word

Last night, I went to the second annual United performance. It is a huge show put on by all of the multicultural groups on campus. It is a way for all of us to show support to one another and stand united.


Pen Pals in Rwanda

This year, tutors at the Writing Center have pen pals in Rwanda! We wrote letters in November and mailed them out in early December. Due to the long international mailing process, we just received the responses to these letters.

Our supervisor at the Writing Center established a connection with a school in Rwanda and thought […]

Night of Nets!

Tonight was such a fun night on the Hill! Advocacy Team, an organization that focuses on human justice issues (like poverty and hunger) hosted their annual Night of Nets event on the quad between DMC and ANW, two of our residence halls on campus. The goal of Night of Nets is to raise awareness for […]

Senior Year

Being back at school has been great and also terrifying because now I am a senior! Luckily I had a great summer internship. I would recommend an internship to anyone their junior year. It is a great way to get experience and feel less scared of entering the working world. Plus it looks great on […]

Clara- Botswana Intern

This summer I worked for a company called Universal Research Company in Gaborone, Botswana. I was an intern for two months working in the capital city. I assisted an office with paper work and making calculations on data that was collected from clinics. The work atmosphere was a struggle to adjust to because the work […]