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athletics « Expect the Exceptional

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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Spring is here… I HOPE!

If any of you live in Maryland (or the surrounding states) you know how terrible this winter has been. You are also probably aware of how nice the weather has been recently.

I can not express how excited I am that it is finally nice out! Today was in the high 70’s and low 80’s […]

SAAC and DIII Week

I am a member of SAAC, which is the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee. A couple representatives from each sports team at McDaniel meet about once a month to discuss service events, sporting games, and other campus activities. An important event that SAAC is in charge of is called DIII week. It is a week in April […]

Personal Records Are Worth The Work

Track takes up a lot of my life. I spend at least an hour at practice a day, plus lifting, plus meditating/visualizing/watching video, and sometimes distance runs or extra core workouts. It requires blood (which happened this past week), sweat (which happens all the time), and tears (which happened a few weeks ago). It requires […]

Intramural Sunday

Sundays are big days in the intramural basketball world here at McDaniel. Some people can have up to four or five games of basketball! I personally have three games tonight and I cannot wait! I played basketball and soccer in high school. Although I chose to continue with soccer in college, I definitely still miss […]

Sweet Victory

Yesterday (Tuesday), I had the pleasure of joining some other girls on my track team at the Sweetheart Multi-Meet at the Naval Academy, called such because the competitors are all women and the winner of each event as well as anyone in a relay receives roses. It’s a Valentine’s Day tradition, one I greatly respect.
