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birthdays « Expect the Exceptional

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A Denny’s Birthday Celebration (2012 Again)

My friends decorated PSY in honor of my 20th birthday two years ago. I wouldn’t have thought we’d listen to “Gangnam Style” again two years later when I turned 22. Time flies!

I turned 22 on Wednesday, and to celebrate, six of my seven female suite mates from my sophomore year took me […]

Little birthday things

This week, I celebrated my 21st birthday. I’m not into alcohol though, so even though most students would go out and enjoy their first legal alcoholic drink when they hit the big 2-1, I decided that it was okay not to. In fact, when my parents took me out to eat, alcohol was the last […]

Surprise parties are the best parties

Today, I had the opportunity to throw a surprise party for one of my best friends on campus, and things turned out great!

Earlier in the week, my friend’s mom, who lives in Boston, called me to ask me if I could pick up a birthday cake from Starry Night Bakery in Westminster and surprise […]

Turning 21

Birthdays are always worth mentioning. My birthday was this past Monday, the 11th, but as any child will tell you, it lasts the whole week. Especially in college, when packages and cards arrive sporadically. But this time, it was extended for a different reason: Westminster’s night life. As my actual birthday was on a Monday, […]


Birthdays are a cause for celebration and when they fall during the school week, they are a great interruption. I’m always jealous of my friends who celebrate their birthdays during the school year because mine is in the summer.

Last night was my friend Nick’s 22nd birthday! This is exciting and also scary that I […]